Ch. 21

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We were finally back in our shared apartment and it felt really good be home. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing mine and the boys' families, believe me, I missed all of them, but I missed my queen sized bed that I shared with Michael. We had been here for two days and had done nothing but lounge around because in a week we have be be back on the road with the boys again.

"Hey Luke, check your twitter mate." Ashton said. I looked at him weird and pulled my phone out. I started to go though my mentions and furrowed my eyebrows at what was being said. What is so cute? Why the is #mukeislove still trending. What the hell is #mukefeelingsargument? I typed it in and a video came up. My eyes widened when I realized that it was when me and Michael were standing outside of the store that day the cashier called me hot. I clicked on it and you could hear every word we were saying.

"Oh. You've seen it too?" Michael asked. I looked up at him, seeing he was behind me, and then looked back down at my phone. After it was over I put my phone away and sighed before closing my eyes.

"It was kind of cute." Calum said. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Ashton shrugged and nodded his head in agreement.

"I just don't like how some fans have to know every single fucking thing and then tell the world about it." I said with a sigh. Michael gripped my shoulders and started to massage them. I leaned my head on the back of the couch and he leaned down to kiss me quickly before rubbing my shoulders again. My phone went off multiple times and so did Michael's. He stopped rubbing his shoulder and pulled his out at the same time I did.

Ashton: I don't understand the need for people to record everything they see and post it everywhere

Ashton: We need privacy as well and posting everything online takes that away.

Calum: The fact that you felt the need to post something that was supposed to be a personal moment between two people is a little ridiculous.

Michael: When two people are sharing an intimate moment, it's not happening for others be a part of it and share it to the world.

Luke: I get that it was in public, but you don't have to record it and put it on the internet, that's how to make people mad.

Luke: I'm really disappointed right now to be completely honest.

There were instantly tweets apologizing about spreading the video around and the people that didn't spread it around apologized for it happening. I looked up at my notifications seeing a new dm. I opened it and was surprised at what I saw. 

Hi Luke. My name is Madi if you didn't read the user name. I just want yo to know that even though I didn't have anything to do with the video spreading, I still want to apologize for it happening. I'm not saying that I didn't watch it, because I did. I'm just saying that I think it's wrong for the girl who recorded it to have posted it everywhere and intrude on your personal life. I do want you to know something though. Until I saw that video, I was unsure of how I felt about you and Mikey being together. I was upset because I'm obviously a Luke girl and I was pissed that I had to find out that I would never in a million years have the chance to be with you. But when I saw that video that completely changed. You were talking to him like you were angry but I could also hear all of the love and compassion you have towards him and it made me realize how in love with him you actually were. And while I'm still upset that I can't ever be with you ;) I'm also so incredibly happy that Mikey can make you the happiest man ever. And also while I know I'm just another fan, I just want you to know that I support you and Mikey 100% and I'm now a dedicated Muke shipper :)

I felt the tears running down my face and the boys all looked at me with worried expressions on their face. I wiped my face with my sleeves and looked back down at the message again.

"Luke what's wrong?" Michael asked me. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Nothing. Everything's perfect." I said with a laugh. "I'm crying happy tears." I looked back down at my phone and began to type a reply.

Thank you so much Madi. You have no idea how happy that just made me. I am actually crying right now. That message meant so much to me and I appreciate every word you typed. As of right now, you're not just another fan. You were the only one who had the guts to dm me and apologize, even though you didn't do anything wrong. I also appreciate you supporting me and Mikey. He means the world to me and I would be so lost without him, so thank you for this, it means so much to me. xx

I looked over at Michael who had watched me type the whole thing. He looked up at me and leaned in to kiss me. I smiled and pulled away, before moved my head to his neck and wrapping my arms around him. He did the same and we just sat there holding each other.

"I don't know what happened, but you both look really happy so I'm not going to even question it." Calum said. I smiled and tightened my arms around Mikey as he kissed my head.

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