Ch. 32

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"So are you two single then?" She asked Calum and Ashton.

"Yes." Ashton answered. Calum nodded his head.


"We don't have time for girlfriends." Calum said. We all knew that he was lying, obviously, Megan knows too. She doesn't even want to tell anyone yet, so she's completely fine with it.

"I would love to have a girlfriend, but you know, we're not in the same country for more than three hours." Ashton said. Me and Michael laughed at him and Calum smiled slightly.

"I don't have that problem." I said.

"You shut your mouth." Calum snapped, making me and Michael laugh.

"So how long has it been now?" She asked. "How long have you been dating?"

"A year and... six months?" Michael said. I shrugged my shoulders, making her, Calum, and Ashton laugh. 

"I guess." I said, him shrugging as well.

"They don't know how long they've been dating." Ashton said while giggling.

"All I really care about is knowing when our anniversary is." Michael said.

"Ya, it's hard to remember specific details when you have some much running through your mind and neither of us really care anyways." I said.

"I could be lying." Michael said and leaned forward to look over the boys at me.

"You're not." I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes and leaned back again.

"I was meaning to ask. How is your face? Does it still hurt?" She asked Michael.

"Sometimes." He said.

"Ok, so I know you've probably explained it but I don't know how it happened." She said. I snorted and the boys laughed.

"He wasn't where he was supposed to be." I summed up for her, making the boys laugh again.

"Ya... I wasn't where I was supposed to be and the fire came out and just shot me in the face. I had to go to the hospital and then I had to get my eye checked to make sure I would still be able to see." He said. "I can, by the way."

"He's rather fortunate." I said with a chuckle.

"Luke, will you just shut up?" He asked. Calum smiled and looked at me.

"Listen here dumbass! I didn't tell you to walk over there and burn your face off! Don't be mad at me for your mistake!" I said, laughing. Calum and Ashton laughed as Michael smiled and rolled his eyes.

So we decided that it would be fun to do a few shows around Australia, like a mini tour, so we got a bus and told everyone about it and now we're touring our country. "Are you ready?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I'm ready." Ash said with a smile.

"1 2 3. Dance. Dance." I said as I twisted my upper body to both sides. "Now everybody look at your pants." I bent down and Ashton brought camera to my crotch, making both of us laugh.

"You guys are idiots." Michael said and sat down at the table on the bus. I went over and layed on the couch, looking over at him. He was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked. He didn't say anything, only put his phone away before coming to lay on top of me. I smiled and threw my arm over my face, closing my eyes.

"I just wanted to cuddle." He mumbled as he nestled his head in my neck, kissing it once. "This one is still really noticeable." He said as he ran his finger over my neck.

"I know." I said. "I see it every time I look in the mirror. Plus, our fans have started noticing when I have them and they freak out." He laughed at that. "They keep saying that you have permanently marked me as yours."

"That's because I have." He said and let out a yawn. I chuckled and he moved so he was beside me with his leg and arm thrown over me.

"They also ask why you never have any." I said with a laugh. He started cackling really loudly, making me wince slightly from the noise but laugh as well.

"They have no idea." He said, still laughing. "They don't need to know either."

"I feel like I have all these pictures of you guys being cute and that I need to post them." Ash said. I watched as he scrolled through his phone. "I mean, I have over fifty."

"Go ahead." I said.

"Ya, they probably expect them leak sometime anyways." Michael said. Calum walked out here with a frown on his face. "What's wrong with you?"

"Megan's birthday is in a month." He said. "And I'm not with her." I had to fight to keep the smile off my face and Michael and Ashton did as well. "It's depressing."

"Sorry bud." Ashton said. Calum shrugged his shoulders.

"It literally sounds like you're so in love with her and it's only been like four months." Michael said, making me and Ash laugh. Calum rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

"I just feel like a bad boyfriend."

"You're not a bad boyfriend just because you'll miss her birthday for your job. She understands why you wont be with her Cal." I said.

"I know but I still feel bad." He whined.

"She needs to get here now so he stops his whining." Michael mumbled so only I could hear. I nodded my head in agreement and chuckled.

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