Ch. 28

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We all sat at the little table on the bus and ate breakfast as we were on the way to where ever it was. I can't ever keep track anymore. Calum hadn't put his phone down once and the smile never left his face. "Cal. Who you texting?"

"Megan." He said and looked up at me. "She's hilarious." Michael snorted and layed his head on the table, closing his eyes. "What?"

"You probably haven't heard half of it." He mumbled. "She's fucking insane."

"It's a good kind of insane." I said and layed my hand on Michael's back, running my hand up and down.

"Go a little too hard last night Mikey?" Ashton asked. Michael smiled a little but didn't look up at Ashton.

"Ya. Luke wrecked me last night." He said. The boys both laughed and then looked between us. "I'm serious."

"That's why it's funny." Calum said and looked back down at his phone. "She wants to know if you guys fucked last night."

"Tell her we did." I said with a laugh. He tapped at his phone again and then laughed before looking back up. "Yes. It was hot and steamy. Literally."

"How did you-"

"We've known her for a long time." Michael said and got up, walking over to the fridge and getting the milk out.

"Dude you're limping." Ashton said, eyes wide. "Jesus Luke, go a little easier will you?"

"I only did what I was told to do." I said, making them and Michael to laugh.

"What happened to you? You were so bashful when talking about sex and now you're the one that's cracking the jokes." Ashton said. I shrugged my shoulders as Mikey sat down next to me.

"I'm probably the one that's going to have to take responsibility for that one." He said. Ashton got up and walked to the bathroom and Calum was paying all of his attention to his phone again. I smiled at Michael and set my hand on the inside of his thigh. "You have seven this time." He whispered with a smile.

"Do I?" I asked quietly, feeling around my neck.

"Well, three are showing, but I remember how many." He said, still smiling.

"Ya, I looked down and saw one on my chest this morning." I said.

"There's one here." He said and pointed to my shoulder. "There's one here." He pointed at my hip. "And there's one here." He pointed to the inside of my thigh and I chuckled before leaning forward and kissing him.

"Well I was just going to take a picture of you guys staring at each other lovingly like you do but that works." Calum said. I looked at him weird. "Megan wants to see what Michael did to your neck last night."

"Of course she does." Michael said.

"I didn't miss anything important when I wasn't paying attention to you guys did I?" He asked.

"Nope." I said. Michael smiled and kissed my jaw and I smiled as well.

"She says that Michael is little a horny bitch." Calum said. "But I told her that Luke was the one wrecking Michael last night." Michael threw a piece of cereal at Calum and he laughed. Michael furrowed his eyebrows and pulled his phone out of his pocket. I looked over his shoulder and almost choked at the message.

Meg: So do either of you have a daddy kink?

"Should I answer that with the truth or a lie?" He asked me.

"You're going to do what you want anyway so it doesn't even really matter." I said, making him laugh.

Michael: Luke is daddy af #sorrynotsorry


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