Ch. 6

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We pulled up to the studio and saw at least a hundred people outside. I groaned and looked at Ashton next to me, who looked back and laughed. "It'll be fine mate." He patted my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

"Aww... I can't hold your hand now Luke." Michael said, I turned around and smiled. Calum let out a chuckle before opening the door and getting out, all of us following behind him. The girls all screamed as we made our way to the front, stopping to give autographs and pictures.

"Luke are you Muke af?" One asked. Michael turned around and looked art me.

"He better be!" He called, a smile on his face, making me and the boys laugh while the girls went crazy.

"I am." I said, still laughing, and they all screamed again. We then got ushered inside by security and our publicists came in behind us. I looked at Michael and he watched as the doors closed so the girls couldn't see us then he came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"Calum! Why can't you treat me like that?" Ashton asked. Calum looked up from his phone and spread his arms wide, bringing Ashton in for a hug. I let out a laugh and looked down at Michael. He let go of me and I surprised him by jumping on his back.

"Oh shit. jesus." He said as he stumbled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me into the room we would be doing the interview in. He turned around and tried to throw me off.

"No!" I said while giggling. He laughed and tried again but decided to fall backwards. "Michael!"

"Then get off." He said while laughing. I let go but he didn't move. Calum dropped himself on top of us and then Ashton sat in the chair beside the couch. "Aww Ashton, cuddle moment, come join."

"No." He said as he looked over at us with a smile. "That's weird."

"Why is it weird?" I asked as I moved to look at him best I could.

"Because two of you are gay and we can't figure out what Calum is yet." He said with a laugh. Calum sat up and glared at him. I rolled my eyes, here we go.

"I'm straight thank you." He said. Ashton gave him a look and Calum glared harder. Mikey chuckled and shook his head, pushing Calum off of him.

"Are you sure about that?" Ashton asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm 100% positive that I'm in fact straight." He said and sat down in the other chair. "I just like to cuddle."

"Ok. You guys are all weird." John, one of our publicists said. We all looked at him as he stared at us. "Ok. Lets try to make this interview serious since Luke and Mike are coming out today."

"What?!" Calum and Ashton asked at the same time. Me and Mike looked at each other then both sat up on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ashton asked.

"Surprise?" I said as I leaned into Michael's side. He chuckled and threw an arm around my shoulders.

"They didn't know?" John asked. We shook our heads. He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You guys are ridiculous." He walked away and I looked at Ashton and Calum.

"You could have told us." Calum said.

"To be completely honest, it totally slipped my mind." Michael said. I nodded and moved so my legs were across his lap.

"Well lets get this over with." Ashton said, leaning back in the chair.

"So Michael and Luke." She said. I licked my lip, feeling the nerves set in. "You guys both have something that you want to say to everyone?" Michael nodded and looked at me.

"Well. I'm gay." He said, making everyone IN THE LIVE AUDIENCE scream. He nudged me and I sighed.

"I'm gay as well and me and Michael have been in a relationship for almost a year." I said. They got even louder and I looked at Michael. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Just fucking kiss already, we've all wanted this for years!!" A girl screamed, making all four of us laugh. I eyed John off stage and he nodded his head at me. I looked back at Michael and puckered my lips at him and closed my eyes. He laughed and brought his to mine, making the screams get louder. I pulled away first and looked over at Calum and Ashton. They were smiling at us and it made me happy.

"Calum I love you so much!" Ashton exclaimed.

"I love you too Ashton!" Calum yelled as the pulled each other into a hug. Me and Michael laughed at them, and so did the audience.

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