Ch. 29

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"Where are we going now?" Ashton asked John. John looked up from his phone at Ashton and then back down at it.

"Uh... New York City. How do you not know that?" He asked him.

"Well I'm always tired so I don't try to remember things." He said. John rolled his eyes at him and I chuckled.

"Guess where Megan lives." Calum said with a smile on his face.

"Manhattan, New York." Me and Michael said at the same time. He looked at us weird and Ashton laughed.

"I hate you both." He mumbled and looked back down at his phone. "She got tickets."

"Sweet, after two years we finally get to meet her." Michael said. I smiled and nodded as I layed down, putting my head in his lap.

"She doesn't have backstage passes guys." Calum said.

"We kind of figured that you would give her some." I said.

"Good point." He muttered and started tapping away at his phone again. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to look up at Michael, who was playing with my hair. I ran my hand across the stubble on his chin and he smiled at me.

"I need to shave don't I?" He asked with a laugh. I shook my head.

"I like the stubble." I said quietly, a smile on my face.

"I guess I wont shave then." He said before leaning down to peck my lips.

"This is fucking terrible." Ashton blurted out. "You guys are in a fucking relationship. Calum is going to be in one with that hot Megan girl you guys play video games with and I'm a fucking potato." We all three laughed at him, Calum actually looking up at his phone as he did so.

"I don't even know if she likes me that way. She might just find me attractive, that is a thing you know." Calum said.

"Oh please." Michael snorted, making me laugh. "You guys haven't stopped talking for three weeks."

"Ya, but, and I'm not calling her a slut, I know she's not, but she also talks to Wesley." Calum said.

"She hates Wesley half the time." I spoke up. He looked down at me. "He literally wants to get in her pants and be like, friends with benefits or something. She's not like that, she wont sleep with a guy unless they're in a committed relationship."

"Ya, and Wesley is constantly asking her for nudes, she doesn't send them to anyone. Well I mean, I got a picture of her boob one time but that's different and beside the point."

"Wait what?" Calum asked.

"Last year she had a bug bite and needed to know if it was infected. She was like 'I asked you because you're not attracted to the female race and I have no friends of that race' and I hadn't even told her I was gay yet. I don't even think I knew I was gay yet, I was just confused. She just kind of assumed I was." Michael said.

"It was actually pretty funny. He told her that he actually was attracted to girls and she sent him back the laughing emojis then said that that was a load of bullshit." I said.

"Wow." Ashton said with a laugh. "I think that just about everyone knew before both of you did."

"Probably." Me and Michael said.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" I turned to Mikey, who smiled as a girl flew into his arms. I smiled as well, knowing it was Megan. "Lucas!" She let go of him and hugged me as well.

"You're so tiny!" I teased her as I lifted her off the ground. She slapped my arm and I laughed as I set her down.

"I've have dreamt of this day for a long time." She said with a smile.

"Me too." Me and Mike said at the same time. Ashton walked over and pointed at her, I nodded my head and he smiled.

"Hello. I'm Ashton." He said. She smiled and brought him into a hug. "I don't know where Calum is at..."

"What about Calum?" Cal asked as he walked over. His eyes widened when he saw her and he wrapped his arms around her, her giggling. "You're so short." He mumbled into her shoulder.

"How tall are you?" Ashton asked her.

"I am a proud five feet three inches." She said.

"You're so cute!" He teased. I chuckled as she rolled her eyes at him. Calum grabbed her hand and pulled her away from us, making us laugh.

"$50 says they make it official tonight." I said.

"No, I bet they wait a few days." Ashton said.

"No, it will be official tonight." Michael said, agreeing with me.

"You guys are on." Ash said. They came back just then and they were holding hands. I smirked at Ashton and he gave me a shove.

"Hey! I'm the only one allowed to abuse Luke!" Michael yelled.

"No one is allowed to abuse Luke." I said. Megan laughed at us.

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