Ch. 13

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"Rise and shine sleepy heads!" Calum yelled as he threw our blinds open. I groaned, scrunching my face up. I turned the other way and cuddled into Michael even though his back was towards me. "We have to leave soon." I groaned again, this time throwing my arm over Michael.

"Go away!" I whined. "It's too early."

"Luke. It's 9 am." Ashton said as he walked in. "And we have to leave in thirty minutes."

"Why didn't you wake us up earlier?" Michael asked. I tightened my arm around him and moved so my head was in his neck.

"We figured you guys needed some sleep after what happened last night." Calum said. Michael sat up but I stayed in place. He turned around and looked at me, smiling a little. He sat his hand on my hip and shook me a little bit. I sat up and slowly got out of bed. I put on a tank and some sweats before packing everything up. Michael followed me out the door and we went down to the lobby. After checking out, we got on the bus and went on our marry way.

"Baby come cuddle." Michael said as he held his arms out for me. I fell into them, laying on to of him and closing my eyes.

"Hey guys!" Ashton said. I opened my eyes to see him talking into his camera. "Just wanted to keep you updated. We're leaving Austin now and headed for... Kansas City I believe." He then panned the camera at us and I groaned. "I also wanted to wish these two a happy one year anniversary."

"Thanks now put it away, it's too early." I said.

"You are an asshole in the morning." Michael said with a laugh.

"You're an asshole when you're tired and hungry." I mumbled. Ashton giggled and said bye before putting his phone up.

"Are you seeing all the anniversary tweets?" I asked Michael. He smiled and nodded then put his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked. "Hi mum." I looked over at him and smiled. "Thank you, I'll tell him you said that. Ok. I love you too. Ok. Bye." He hung up and looked at me. "She says happy anniversary."

"Oh, now it's my turn." I said and answered my mom's call. "Hey mum, you're on speaker."

"Happy anniversary boys!" She said. I smiled and looked at Michael.

"Thank you." We said in at the same time.

"Where are you boys off to now?"

"Kansas City." I said. "We play one show there and then head off to St. Louis."

"Sounds fun. Well I just called to tell you that and that I love you both."

"We love you too." Michael said.

"Goodbye. Please call me soon Luke." She said. I laughed and nodded.

"I will. Bye." I said and hung up.

"Do you think she knows we've had sex?" Michael asked. I looked over at him and rose an eyebrow.

"Probably." I said slowly. He scrunched his face up.

"That's weird, I don't like it." He said. I snorted and moved so my back was against the arm rest of the chair. I put my feet in his lap and crossed my arms, trying to get comfortable. "I love you."

"I love you too." Ashton walked out and looked at us with a smile.

"So I talked everyone into going out tonight so you can have this to yourselves." He said wiggling his eyebrows. "You're welcome by the way." I rolled my eyes at him. Damn, I seem to be doing that a lot lately. "So you can have some hot and steamy anniversary sex and we don't have to hear it."

"You're fucking stupid." I said, making Michael laugh. Ashton shrugged and walked away, the smile still on his face.

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