Ch. 18

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"How was it?" Ben asked me. "Meeting your absolute idol."

"Amazing." I said with a smile. "Absolutely amazing. He was really nice and he commented on our height and then congratulated me and Mikey on coming out."

"That's awesome." Jack said with a smile. I nodded my head and fell on the couch. My phone started vibrating and I took it out of my pocket and put it to my ear.

"Hi Ashton." I said as I threw my arm over my face.

"Hey mate. So we're headed to yours. My mother insisted." He said. I laughed and sat up.

"Ok, sounds good. Calum coming too?" I asked.

"Ya, he's with me now." He said. I heard a 'hey mate' in the background and smiled. "Ok, well, we'll see you in about 3 minutes. Bye." He hung up and I put my phone down.

"Mum!" I yelled. "Ashton and Calum are coming over with their families!"

"Ok!'" She called back.

"What about Michael?" Jack asked me.

"Jack, he's already here. He's on the phone in my room." I said. He looked at me weird and then Ben let out a laugh.

"Did you know he was here?" He asked Ben.

"Ya." Ben said. "You can't miss him." He came into the living room just then and dropped himself on top of me. I groaned in pain but he didn't move.

"Jesus Michael. My ribs. Ow. Move." I moaned, he laughed and resituated himself.

"Sorry." He whispered after he layed his head on my chest. I ran my hand through his hair and he closed his eyes with a smile on his face. "I love it when my hair gets played with."

"I know." I deadpanned, making him laugh.

"So are you guys being safe?" Ben asked. I turned to give him a blank look. "You are being safe right? I mean, I know neither of you can get pregnant but..."

"Ben, we're 18 and 19, not 12." I said. "We don't need to have this talk."

"Hello boys." My dad said as he walked in the living room. We all waved and he looked at Michael, shook his head and walked away, making me laugh.

"Is he a sleep?" Jack asked, looking at Michael. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Probably." I said and wrapped both arms around him, closing my eyes. "I will be too in a minute."

"Hello!" Ashton called as everyone in his and Calum's family came into the house. I groaned, Ben and Jack laughing at me.

"Hi. I'm going to sleep, shut up." I said.

"Damn sass." Calum said. "We missed you and you aren't even going to talk to us."

"I see you guys everyday of my life, I live with you guys. It's been five days without seeing you, I think you'll be fine." I said. Ben and Jack let out 'ooh's' and I closed my eyes again.

"Whatever. Momma Hemmings!" Ashton called and walked into the kitchen. I opened my eyes again and looked down at Michael. He had his eyebrows furrowed for a minute before they weren't anymore. I moved his fringe out of his face and smiled when he opened his eyes.

"You were literally a sleep for 3 minutes." I said with a laugh. He smiled and moved so where he was laying beside me with his arm and leg thrown over me and his face in my neck.

"I'm so jet lagged it's not even funny." He said. I nodded in agreement and closed my eyes. "My family should be here pretty soon."

"Well I'm going to sleep before they get here." I said. "So shut up."

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