Ch. 9

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"Ugh. I hate early flights, they suck ass." Ashton said. I nodded my head and shoved my bag in the overheard compartment.

"At least we get to see the boys. It's been forever." Calum said as he sat down in his seat.

"Harry and Louis each texted me a few days ago saying how happy they were for us." I whispered to Michael once I sat down next to him. He smiled at me and then layed his head on my shoulder.

"Please let them be next." He said. I nodded and turned my phone off as Calum and Ashton sat from us.

"I'm so excited." Ash said with a smile. "I've missed touring so much. I've missed being on stage."

"Me too. I was getting tired of interviews everyday." I said. Calum nodded and Michael sat up as the hostess walked by.

"Hi. Can I get some peanuts please?" He asked her. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him as Calum chuckled. She smiled and nodded her head then walked off to get his peanuts.

"You just ate." Ashton said. Mikey shrugged and grabbed the peanuts saying thank you as she handed them to him.

We got to our hotel, checked in, and then sorted out rooms. Once we all got in our rooms, unpacked because we'll be there for four days, we headed back downstairs so we could go to the stadium for sound check. Going inside and looking around at the place.

"Damn." Ash muttered as he looked around.

"It's huge." Calum said in agreement. Michael smirked at him and I knew what was coming next, rolling my eyes ahead of time.

"That's what she said." He said. I hit the back of his head as Ashton giggled and Calum rolled his eyes as well.

"Ok boys, lets run through a few songs and then we can be done until the concert tonight." Kevin said. He's our tour manager and can be just as childish as us at times, which we all love.

"Sounds good." Calum said. Walking over and setting up all his stuff. Me and Michael did the same while Ashton went and sat at his drums.

"Luke!" I heard. I turned my head ans smiled once I saw Niall.

"Niall!" I yelled and ran at him. He tackled me in a hug and I laughed.

"Michael!" He yelled and let go, doing the same to Mike.

"What am I chopped liver?" Calum asked and looked at Niall. He laughed and hugged Calum and Ash as well. Harry walked over to me and gave me a hug and Louis and Liam did the same before hugging everyone else.

"How's life been?" Liam asked us as we sat down on the couch next to Louis, who had his phone in his face.

"Pretty great." Ash said as he sprawled out on the floor.

"We have done nothing but interviews for the past week and I was so fucking tired of 'are you really gay and dating each other?' yes, why would we lie about that and kiss in front of a live audience if we weren't?" I said as Michael sat on my lap sideways and wrapped an arm around my neck to hold himself up.

"Harry!" Louis called.

"I'm right here. What?" Harry asked. Louis looked up at him.

"Oh, sorry." He said with a smile. "Can you get me a water please?" Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Lou a water bottle, tossing it to him. "Thanks babe."

"How's Sophia?" Michael asked Liam. Liam smiled at him and shrugged. "Aww! Look at that smile!" I laughed as Liam got a little red. "You look so happy!"

"That's because I am." He said. I wrapped my arms around Michael's waist and leaned back, pulling him with me. He moved his arm from my shoulders and turned a little.

"10 minutes to show time!" We heard. Ashton stood up and looked at us.

"Lets do this shit!" He said and ran out of the room. I rolled my eyes and Mikey got off of me. I held my hands out and he pulled me up, I gave him a little peck on the lips before we walked out.

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