Ch. 36

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"Shut up Ryan." I said.

"But dad-"

"Ryan. I'm almost done." I finished rinsing his hair and smiled as I turned the water off. He sat up and looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. "You told me you wanted too."

"Well ya, but isn't dad going to notice I have green hair?" Ryan asked me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Not if you cover it with a hat." I said and walked out of the bathroom. He followed me and I grabbed a hat out of his room, putting it on his head for him.

"I'm home!" Luke called up the stairs.

"Shit! Hide the evidence!" I yelled quietly and ran to the bathroom. I picked up all the trash and put it in the trash can, tying the bag together and walking out of the bathroom. I could hear Ryan laughing at me and I rolled my eyes. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey babe."

"Hey." He said and turned around. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Are you taking the trash out?"

"Ya. It was getting pretty full." I said. He nodded slowly as I made my way into the garage. I walked back inside and Luke had his head in the fridge. Some things never change. "What are we going to eat for dinner? We have no food and I'm starving."

"Can we order pizza?" Ryan asked. I smiled and looked at Luke, who popped out of the fridge, nodding his head.

"Luke! Michael!" We heard. Calum came running into the kitchen with the biggest grin on his face. We both looked at him weird. "Hannah's pregnant!" Just then Hannah walked in and rolled her eyes at him with a smile on her face.

"Congratulations!" Luke said with a smile.

"I'm not shooting blanks after all!" Calum yelled.

"Dad what does shooting blanks mean?" Ryan asked.

"It means that your sperm doesn't work." I said. Luke slapped the back of my head and glared at me.

"He's ten Michael! Ten!" Luke yelled. Hannah giggled and sat next to Ryan at the table. Luke walked forward and stubbed his toe on a bar stool. "Shit."

"Luke." Hannah snapped.

"Hey dad? Is this what you call a fucked up moment?" Ryan asked. I started laughing and Luke glared over at him. He then glared at me and I put my hands up in surrender.

"I didn't teach him that." I said.

"Nope! Uncle Calum did." Ryan said. We all looked at Calum and he was glaring at Ryan.

"I told you not to tell your fathers that." He said.

"You are never watching my child again." Luke said. "He's ten. He doesn't need to be cussing."

"On the contrary. I have no problem with it." I said with a shrug. Luke hit the back of my head again. "Will you stop hitting me please?"

"Stop teaching our child bad things!" He said. I looked over at Ryan and he started to take his hat off. My eyes widened as he pulled it off his head. Luke looked at him and his eyes went wide as well. Calum started laughing and Hannah's jaw dropped at the sight of his hair. "Michael." He said through his teeth.


"What the fuck! I told you not to dye his hair before he was at least seventeen! I don't want our child going bald at sixteen years old!" Luke yelled.

"He told me he wanted to dye his hair. You know I can't say no to him." I said. Luke pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before looking at Ryan.

"Ryan honey, from now on, don't ask your father for things. Ask me." Luke said. "Please." My phone started to ring and I answered it without looking at who it was, in fear that if I looked at Luke he would strangle me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey mate. Does your family want to go out to eat with mine?" Ashton asked.

"Uh, let me asked Luke." I said. Luke looked over at me. "Do you want to go out to eat with Ashton and his family?"

"Sure." He said, throwing his hands up.

"Ya, sure." I said to ashton.

"Ok. I'm going to call Calum and ask him as well." Ashton said.

"He's actually here with Hannah so I'll relay the message for you." I said. Calum didn't even look up from his phone before giving me a thumbs up. "He says yes."

"Ok. I'm at your house." Ashton said and hung up. A minute later, Ashton, Riley and their daughter Quinn came into the kitchen. Quinn immediately ran over to Ryan and played with his hair in aww. "Uh..." Ashton pointed at Ryan and Luke groaned loudly.

"Yes. I know. My son's hair is green." Luke snapped. Ashton's eyebrows shot up and he nodded slowly.

"You did that without his permission didn't you?" Riley asked, giving me a hug. I smiled and nodded before kissing her cheek. "If I dyed Quinn's hair like she wanted, Ashton would murder me." I laughed and let go of her, letting her greet everyone else.

"Can we go to diner now? I need to feed the person in my belly." Hannah said. Calum looked at her with so much fond in his eyes that it made me smile.

"You're pregnant?" Ashton and Riley asked together.

"Yes. Now lets go. I'm starving." She said and got up, walking out the door. We laughed and followed her to the car.

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