Ch. 11

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"Can we go to IHOP?" I asked Michael. "I really want pancakes."

"Sure." He said, getting up. I followed behind and we walked out of the dressing room. "We're going to IHOP." Calum and Ashton nodded and turned back to whatever they were doing.

"Kevin, we're going to IHOP." I said as we passed him. He didn't even pay any attention to me so I just shrugged. "Should we steal the Suburban?"

"Yes. Lets do it." Michael said, running to find the keys. He came back a few minutes later, making me laugh at how sneaky he was trying to be. We ran outside and saw hundreds of girls outside the gate. They started screaming when they saw us. Michael took forever trying to unlock the car and ended up pressing the lock button.

"Are you serious?" I asked. He hunched over and started laughing at himself. "Maybe I should drive. You seem a little tired." He shook his head and got in. I rolled my eyes and did the same. He started it and pulled out of the parking lot. I messed with the radio for a while until I decided to just plug my phone in and play music.

"What are you playing?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"How about some Green Day?" I asked. He nodded and I clicked on Kill the DJ. He started to bob his head and I smiled at him. "This is my favorite song."

"I wonder why." He said sarcastically, making me laugh. "But it's mine too."

"I'd hope so." I said and looked at him. "Because, you know, it is the song that was playing when you decided to grow some balls and kiss me. Finally." I knew he could feel me staring because his lips turned up a little.

"Shut up. And stop staring at me. And you could have kissed me first, but you didn't." He said.

"You told me that you were straight." I said.

"You told me that you were too."

"I said, and I quote, 'I think I am'." I said. "Because you asked me if I was straight right after I asked you."

"Whatever." He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes before looking away from him. He turned into the IHOP parking lot and we got out of the car, walking inside.

"Hi. Just two?" The guy asked. We both nodded and followed him to a table. We sat down and he handed us menus, telling us out waiter would be over shortly.

"What time is it?" Michael asked.

"Like, midnight." I said as I looked through the menu.

We got back to the hotel at like, 2:30 in the morning and walked inside, getting in the elevator. Another guy got in with us and Michael groaned. I coughed over a laugh and leaned against the wall. I felt him staring at me and turned to look. "Quit staring at me Michael."

"I like staring at you, it makes you uncomfortable." He said. "Also because you're hot." The guy gave us a weird look and rose an eyebrow before turning away. "Hey guess what."

"Michael. I swear to god if you say one more thing you aren't getting laid for a month, and this time I mean it." I said, turning to look at him again. The elevator jolted to a stop and I groaned. "Are you fucking serious?"

"There have been some technicalities, they should be fixed shortly." A voice over the speaker said. I pulled out my phone and pulled up Calum's conversation.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked.

"Calling Calum." I said bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" He asked groggily.

"Hey, we're stuck in the elevator." I said.

"Are you serious?" He goraned. "Ashton. Ashton! Get up, Luke and Michael are stuck in the elevator." He hung up and I shrugged, putting my phone away.

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