Ch. 33

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Ok, you know how I said we were just doing a little mini tour around Australia? Ya... I lied, we decided that England was going to be added on to that. So we're in the middle of a concert in Manchester right now, we just sang the pizza song. Ashton came down from the drums and sang most of while me and the boys laughed. "Let me hear you say Manchester!"

"Manchester!" They shouted back. I smiled and repeated myself. They shouted it back again and then Ashton started beating the drums and I just kept repeating Manchester and they yelled it back.

"Let me hear you say Luke sucks balls!" Michael said and pointed at me.

"Manchester!" I yelled, trying to get them to repeat it but they did as Michael told. I smiled and shook my head. "Let me hear you say no he doesn't!"

"Yes he does!" They shouted with Michael.

"No he doesn't!"

"Yes he does!" They shouted, making us all laugh.

"No he doesn't!"

"Yes he does!"

"Everyone's on my side. Everyone's on my side, Luke, I'm sorry." He said.

"That was awesome, thank you guys for supporting me." I said sarcastically. They all cheered and I let out a chuckle.

"They sang yes he does before Michael did." Ashton said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes, but smiled none the less.

"Well I mean, it's true." Michael said. I slapped his cheek and he laughed at me. "You do!"

"Umm... You do it way more than I do!" I exclaimed, Calum and Ashton 'oohing' in the background. He opened his mouth but nothing came out and then he slouched. "That's what I thought asshole."

"I fucking hate you." He said and started to walk away.

"Really because last night you were saying 'harder Luke'." I said. He stopped and turned around to glare at me as I held in my laugh, hearing the boys laughter behind us.

"Fuck you Luke." He said with a laugh.

"Oh trust me, I would be more than happy too. Come on, lets go. Right now." I said. He tried not to laugh but failed, therefore making me laugh.

"She's coming tomorrow right?" Michael asked, looking up at me. I nodded my head and set my hands on top of his, lacing my fingers through his. He was against my chest and in between my legs with his head laid back on me. Ashton and Calum had gone to sleep so we had time to ourselves. "Why do you love me?"

"What?" I asked with a laugh. He shrugged his shoulders and looked up at me again.

"Why do you love me? What made you fall in love with me?" He asked.

"You're beautiful." I said. He scoffed at that. "I'm serious. You're so beautiful Mikey. You have the biggest heart, you always put others first, you know how to make someone smile when they're having the worst day of their life. I love that you're so care free. I love how shy you get when I see you without a shirt on, you're cheeks get bright red and it's absolutely adorable. I love that even though we're dating, you still treat me the same as you treated me before. The only thing being different is that there's kissing and sex involved."

"Wow." He laughed and I smiled down at him.

"I love your amazing green eyes. I love the stubble on your chin. I love when you bite your lip and you don't realize you're doing it. As weird as it sounds, I love the little bit of pudge you have on your belly. You don't seem to realize it but you're so beautiful. Inside and out. You're an amazing person. I think I was always physically attracted to you. Your personality was even better. I fell in love with that. Your personality. Who you are. The looks were just a big plus." I finished. He turned to straddle me and grabbed my cheeks, pulling my lips to his.

"I love you so fucking much it hurts sometimes." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled and set my hands on his hips as his arms snaked around my neck.

"Does it hurt right now?" I asked as I pushed him down on the couch, hovering over top of him. He smiled up at me and brought his right hand back to my cheek, running his thumb over my lips and licking then biting his, which killed me a little on the inside because as I said before, I absolutely love it when he does that.

"The pain is almost unbearable right now." He said. I smiled as I brought my lips back to his, him meeting me half way.

I've heard people say that you can be in love with someone and not make love when you have sex. I never really understood that because I always thought that if you were in love with someone, you would be making love every time. But I get it now. This time it was different. All those other times with Mikey, it was just sex between two people in a relationship. But this... This is what making love feels like. 

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