Ch. 10

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"This is the last song we're giving you guys tonight!" I said in the microphone. They all made booing sounds and I laughed. We started 'She Looks So Perfect' and they went crazy. The crowd did the 'hey', making us all laugh. "Simmer down! Simmer down! They say we're too young now to amount to anything else. But look around, we worked to damn hard for this, just to give it up now." They sang the rest of my part back for me and then did Calum's part. He threw his hands in the air and laughed.

"Why don't you guys just sing?" Michael asked. They literally sang the rest of the song and we didn't have to once. Mikey walked over to me with a smiled on his face. "You look so perfect standing there in your ninja turtle underwear." He said in my ear. I laughed and gave him a shove, making them freak out. He nudged me with his hip before walking to the edge of the stage and sitting down, listening to the crowd sing. Calum sat next to him, then soon me and Ashton followed, but on the other side of the stage. They finished the song and we clapped for them. They started chanting and at first we couldn't understand them. We all looked at each other weird until we heard it. They were saying Muke over and over again and I got bright red.

"Muke. Muke. Muke." Calum said in to his mic. I flipped him off and he laughed, starting again with Ashton this time. "C'mon guys. Just fucking kiss already, they want to see it."

"Just do it!" Ashton yelled in a deep voice. I laughed and looked over at Mikey from across the stage. He smiled at me and walked over. I didn't move from where I was sitting as he leaned down placing his lips on mine. I brought my hand up to his cheek and smiled. Everyone went crazy again and I laughed as I pulled away and pushed his chest, making him laugh as well. I stood up and we got in a line and bowed. I jumped on Calum's back and he stumbled before running off stage. As we passed by the One Direction boys, I slapped Niall's butt making him jump. Ashton and Michael did the same and he looked confused.

"Why did that just happen?" He asked. I blew him a kiss and Louis laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Are we reading tweets now?" Liam asked. He pulled out his phone and started messing with it.

"Send him a tweet." Michael said. I smiled and pulled out my phone, pulling up twitter and typing then locking my phone. "What did you say?"

"Just wait." I said.

"Oh. Luke has asked us 'why do you guys suck so badly?' really?" He asked, looking where he knew we were sitting. I stood up and waved at him. I could hear the laughter as I sat back down. "I don't know Luke, how does it feel to be the worst thing to come out of Australia?" There were 'ooh's' everywhere and me and the boys all laughed. I tweeted him again and he looked up from his phone with a really face.

"What does it say?" Harry asked with a laugh. He looked at his phone and started laughing, handing it to Niall and Louis who laughed as well.

"It says- it says 'I don't know, how does it feel to be a little bitch?" Louis read through laughter. The crowd laughed again as me and the boys cackled. I tweeted again and put my phone back in my pocket. "Oh, there's another one. He says 'I'm just kidding, I love you." The crowd awwed. I felt Michael wrap his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him more.

"There's one from Calum." Niall said. "It says 'well I personally don't love you'. Jesus, are we even friends? Do we actually hate each other? What even is this relationship?"

"You guys are so rude." Harry said. Liam pretended to cry and Harry 'comforted' him, making everyone laugh.

"I've wondered why we haven't done that yet." Ashton said. I put my feet up on the chair in front of me to get comfortable for the rest of the show.

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