The Breakdown

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"Are you okay?" Dick asks Artemis.

"Beast-Boy, D-01," the Zeta-Tube calls out.

"Did anyone follow you?" Dick asks.

"No, I went through the door as a fly and then Megan telepathically told me to go to Artemis' room to grab this letter. I used the window to get to the garage and Zeta-Tubed over," Garfield hands the letter to Artemis.

"I forgot I was able to save this during the fight," Artemis says taking the letter.

"If it's from Wally, you should open it; I found one too," Dick says as he sees Artemis debating with herself.


Artemis opens the letter and reads it.

Babe, if anything happens to me, don't do anything stupid, listen to Dick, and trust our family. Also, if the impossible happens, I give you my blessing.

Artemis closes the letter and sits on the couch.

"It's okay to cry," Dick says, sitting next to her.

"My dad always said crying is a sign of weakness."

"The same dad who abused you and who messed you up so badly that you go back to taking abuse?"

Artemis looks at Dick with shock.

"I think I'm gonna go," Garfield says, seeing the possible result.

"Beast-Boy, D-01," the Zeta-Tube says.

"How did you know about my father?"

"I'm a hacker; I hacked into the Gotham Police records, which had all the times you went to the hospital as well as each time CPS came by, and let's face it, you were just a vulnerable little girl, so scared of losing a second parent that you would lie so you wouldn't get taken away."

The truth hurts Artemis, hurts her to the bone and she starts to cry.

"It's okay," Dick says, holding her in his arms.

"What's wrong with me?" Artemis cries.

"Nothing is wrong with you."

"I'm broken; I have been broken all my life; I grew up in a horrible family; I was made to be a killer; and the only person who made me feel like I was worth something is dead," Artemis continues with her river of tears.

"You forgot something about yourself," Dick says.


"Your other family, and I'm not talking about Will and Lian."

"What other family do I have?"

Dick gives her an eyebrow lift.

"You mean the Team, you guys are my friends not my family."

"Aside from Batman becoming my family by adopting me I also learned that family isn't always blood, family are the ones who are there for you, see what you can be, and love you enough to show you what you can become."

"So the Team, Outsiders, and Justice League are my family," Artemis says.

"And sometimes, unexpectedly, those who we see as family can turn into something else."

"What do I do now? I can't go back to Happy Harbor or Star City," Artemis says.

"Come live with me."

"What about Barbra?"

"Barb and I broke up a little after Megan and Connor got married."


"She wanted to get out of the hero business, when I told her I couldn't we just decided to be friends. But, only the Team, Outsiders, and Justice League know where I live, and if needed Batman can help us, help you, and keep you safe."

"Okay," Artemis wipes her tears.

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