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Chapter 10 Ten thousand acres of fertile land?

After finishing the food in a flash, Dong Changzheng burped and reported the afternoon schedule to his wife.

"Today afternoon, we will have a 20-kilometer cross-country run. I am the flag bearer of a regiment and must participate. Xiaoyu, you should have a good rest at home in the afternoon, how about that?"

Song Yu picked up the food in the bowl with a guilty conscience. She could not hear anything unusual in the words of her cheap husband. With a slightly raised eyebrow, she carefully glanced at Dong Changzheng, "You... don't you have anything to ask me?"

"What?" Dong Changzheng's eyes were burning, "Xiaoyu, you are now my Dong Changzheng's wife, and you are pregnant with my child. What else do I need to ask?"

In fact, he hid behind the tree and listened to everything from beginning to end. It was completely Lu Qingen's wish. He knew very well that Xiaoyu didn't have deep feelings for him yet. But sincerity can make a difference, and he has a lifetime to invade his wife's heart.

His wife will love him to death in the end, Dong Changzheng firmly believed.

This trust was so heavy that Song Yu couldn't breathe. She poked at the rice grains and her eyes were wet instantly.

"What's wrong with you, little girl?" Dong Changzheng's eyes were wide open, and he slapped the table pretentiously, and the dishes clanged. "It's just a little cat food, and you want to leave it?"

Seeing that his wife's face was getting pale, Dong Changzheng reflected deeply, whether he was a little too much in acting like a big boss, and wouldn't it make his wife unhappy?

Tsk, so impressive! Song Yu looked at her cheap husband who was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead, and for some reason she felt sweet inside. She pushed the cold food in front of Dong Changzheng and said provocatively, "What if I have leftovers?"

It seems that she really made her wife unhappy.

Dong Changzheng trembled as he grabbed the bowl, swallowed the cold food in two or three mouthfuls, and carefully added, "How about, how about you make a cup of malt extract?"

After that, Dong Changzheng put down his bowl and chopsticks, squatted down like a young wife, and put his hands on Song Yu's thighs, like a large pastoral dog, "Wife, I shouldn't have been so mean to you just now. I just, just want you to let our child eat more."

The pastoral dog's tail hung down on the ground in dismay, sweeping back and forth listlessly.

The big hand gently stroked Song Yu's abdomen, and Dong Changzheng giggled. A new life was being nurtured here, the cub of him and his wife.

Song Yu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her fair face was instantly stained with blush. She opened her cherry lips and whispered: How shameless.

The knuckles of the bronze palm were thick, as if they contained endless power. Compared with her own slender and weak little hands, it was simply a huge thing. Along the arm all the way up, Song Yu observed the man's appearance for the first time in her two lives without restraint.

He was actually not bad.

Dong Changzheng was different from the influential people she had seen in her previous life. At that time, the popular gentle gentlemen with romantic and elegant temperaments, while Dong Changzheng was a masculine, tough and iron-boned soldier. At this time, he half-knelt in front of her, perfectly interpreting what it means to be a tough man with tenderness.

The bronze face has sharp edges and corners, the straight nose gives people a sense of firmness and strength, the thin lips are stretched to the roots of the ears, and the joy is beyond words. Dong Changzheng's eyes are deep, like the vast starry sky, which makes people indulge in it involuntarily.

His smile is so contagious that Song Yu can't help but pull up the corners of her mouth. She touches her lower abdomen with a gentle look, and the feeling of blood connection is really magical.

"I'll go soak it later, is it okay?" Song Yu touched the tear mole, and it suddenly felt hot and boiling, as if a mysterious power was about to break out.

Song Yu remained calm and pointed at Dong Changzheng's forehead, "I'll lock the door when you leave, so take a rest."

Dong Changzheng, a tough guy, couldn't stand the soft blow and sat down on the ground. It was so embarrassing! His wife's words seemed to touch his heart, and his heart stopped beating for a moment.

"My legs are numb from squatting for too long." Dong Changzheng rubbed his calves in a pretentious manner, trying to save face. His eyes reflected Song Yu's smile, "Wife, my dear Xiaoyu, you must remember to miss me when I leave."

The pastoral dog's tail swung like a windmill, leaving only a residual shadow.

The man's affection was straightforward and passionate. Song Yu was jealous and said, "Dong Changzheng, why did you marry me? You know, I had just been divorced by the Lu family and my father was seriously ill. It was the most difficult time."

"Why else? Of course it's because you are so beautiful and I fell in love with you at first sight." Dong Changzheng laughed and laughed.

Of course it was because on the day of the divorce, you hid in the woods and cried so hard that I stood by and was at a loss. At that time, I thought, if I could marry such a beautiful wife, I would definitely hold her in my hands and treasure her.

"Slippery tongue!"

Song Yu glared at Dong Changzheng and yawned delicately, "The training is about to start, you should hurry up."

Dong Changzheng jumped up obediently, patted his buttocks and kissed Song Yu's side face, then jumped out of the room in a proud manner.

"Click" the door was locked, Song Yu leaned against the door with her back weakly, pressed her temples and clenched her teeth. Her whole body was boiling as if it was set on fire by the tear mole, and she moaned and groaned in pain.

Hunched, Song Yu staggered into the quilt and curled up into a ball. Sweating profusely, she felt like she was going to be roasted into a human flesh.

What happened?

Did something happen to her space? This... what should I do?

A strange scene appeared. Song Yu seemed to be caught in the chaos of time and space, disappearing and reappearing in an instant. Her originally rosy lips had dried and cracked, and she breathed rapidly like a fish off the shore. She unconsciously picked at the tear mole at the corner of her eye, and her consciousness gradually dissipated.

With a "plop", Song Yu fell into the deep pool, splashing layers of waves. Like a beautiful fairy in the water, she slowly fell into the bottomless abyss.

Baby! Song Yu was very anxious. With a strong obsession in her heart, she tried to open her eyes and seek a ray of life. As her consciousness recovered, a mysterious force suddenly appeared, supporting her all the way up!

"Puff", the drowsy Song Yu finally surfaced, breathing in the fresh air with lingering fear. "Cough cough cough", Song Yu protected his lower abdomen and started coughing madly.

After the burning pain in his chest subsided a little, Song Yu had time to look around. There were endless green mountains as far as the eye could see, lush fruit trees at the foot of the mountain, and branches full of fruits. Not far away were undulating rice fields, and nearby were vegetable plots that were growing pleasingly.

There was silence in the huge space, and time seemed to be still.

Song Yu's heart beat violently. Could this be the "ten thousand acres of fertile land" passed down from generation to generation in the Song family?

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