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Chapter 25 Broken Leg (Part 2)

"Brother Qingen, what happened to you?"

Song Qin had tears in her eyes and her face was paler than the wall. She pushed Doctor Shao away and threw herself at the bed like Meng Jiangnu crying at the Great Wall.

"Aiya," this scared Mother Lu into a cold sweat. With agility that was not in line with her age, she circled Song Qin's waist from the side and finally stopped the "secondary injury" to her son.

Yes, that was the term, she remembered it well.

"Song Qin, did you do this on purpose? When you rushed over like this, did you ever think about whether Qing'en's legs could bear it? You Song family members are all black-hearted."

Feeling that Song Qin stopped struggling, Sun Ailan loosened her arms, patted her clothes in a weird way, and glanced at Song Yu.

Lu Jiefang was also startled by the noisy Song Qin. How could the second daughter of the Song family be so ignorant? But he was a man, and he couldn't stop her, so he could only stretch out his arms and worry.

Alas, he glanced at Song Yu who was sitting against the wall. She was dignified and steady. This was the perfect eldest son and daughter-in-law in his mind. How could a good marriage become like this!

"Doctor, my leg... is it okay?"

Lying on the bed, Lu Qingen's expression was distorted with pain, and his hair was soaked with sweat. He turned a blind eye to Song Qin's infatuation, and stared at Shao Qing "affectionately" with a trembling voice.

At this moment, this white coat is his "true love".

This look is really disgusting! Shao Qing restrained her vomiting with strong professionalism, and was troubled a thousand times in her heart. Why did she just connect the bones for others?

Lifting the tray on the bedside table, Shao Qing said expressionlessly, "Lu Qing'en, you need to stay in bed for three months. During this time, you must pay attention to nutrition, and you must not suffer secondary injuries, otherwise... I can't do anything."

"Did you hear me? Did you hear me?"

Sun Ailan hit Song Qin's shoulder viciously, "You almost hurt Qing'en just now! You woman, you keep saying that you like my Qing'en, but you are so unreliable in doing things. How can I rest assured to leave Qing'en to your care?"

"Secretary Lu, you see that our Xiaoqin is worried about Qing'en. The children have a good relationship, and we as parents are so happy, right?"

Fang Xiuli felt pain in her heart that her daughter was treated so mercilessly. She nodded and bowed almost flatteringly, speaking well of Lu Jiefang. Because she knew that the Lu family was still ruled by Lu Jiefang.

Fang Xiuli was naturally willing to marry into the Lu family of Lu Qingen. Moreover, the Lu family was one of the best families in Qingshan Brigade, as could be seen from the way the couple dressed.

Fang Xiuli pulled her coarse cloth clothes with some shame, as she was far inferior to the Lu family.

Lu Jiefang was the brigade secretary, and he was highly respected; Lu Qingen worked in the supply and marketing cooperative of the commune after graduating from high school, and he was handsome. What did the Song family have? If his eldest brother had not been teaching in the county, he would not have been able to get such a respectable marriage anyway.

Thinking that such an excellent young man would be her son-in-law in the future, Fang Xiuli was more willing to bend her waist.

"Tsk, your face is painted white, your buttocks are thin, and you cry all day long. Who are you showing it to? Me? Or Qingen?"

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