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Chapter 65 Xu Dagui carried a huge luggage bag,...

Xu Dagui carried a huge luggage bag and squeezed out of the train station with the crowd. He didn't feel alive until he breathed fresh air.

Throwing the bag on the ground, he grabbed the bag strap and squatted down. He regretted for the ten thousandth time while lying on the bag. Why didn't he ask his brother-in-law to send him off? In order to be a good man, he refused his brother-in-law. This behavior is a mystery now.

After resting enough, Xu Dagui picked up the bag, took out the bus ride process that his second brother-in-law had already written down, and found the bus station. Soon, he squeezed into the swaying car and found a seat in the last row.

Outside the window is a different landscape from Yunshan. There are tall buildings, shops, pedestrians, and bicycles on the road. The sound of "dinglingling" comes and goes.

This is the provincial capital. It is indeed extraordinary.

Xu Dagui, a country bumpkin who went out for the first time, was really enlightened. He put his bag on his legs and pressed his face against the window glass. He didn't have time to see the colorful world outside.

Thinking that this is where Teacher Song Yusong lives, he sat up straight, pulled his clothes with dignity, and was full of good feelings for this city.

"Ding, the next stop is the Command Academy. Passengers who want to get off please go to the back door, line up to get off, and pay attention to safety." The ticket seller said lazily.

Xu Dagui hurriedly took his bag and waited at the door. Through the window, he saw a red roof. Wasn't that Teacher Song's house? He stood on tiptoe and felt that the red was surprisingly beautiful, so beautiful that his heart trembled.

Look, there is a butterfly kite flying low in the sky, and its long tail feathers are swaying in the wind. It must be Teacher Song and his friends, he had a hunch.

Hey, the kite suddenly lost its balance and flew out of the red roof!

Unfortunately, the bus arrived at the stop, and Xu Dagui jumped down with his bag, just in time to see a pink skirt chasing the butterfly tail and flashing into the alley.

Afterwards, several people stumbled out and perfectly missed the entrance of the alley, which was not hidden.

Chase or chase?

Without hesitation, Xu Dagui threw the bag on his shoulder and chased after him. Ahem, as for the reason for not hesitating, he just saw Dong Changzheng.

That means that the girl in the pink skirt is someone that Teacher Song knows, or at least a neighbor. In that case, he must not let anything happen to her.

The tracking process was so easy that Xu Dagui could hardly imagine it. He carried the bag on his back, leisurely like an outing, taking two steps and resting three steps. But even so, the girl in the pink skirt in front of him was still panting with exhaustion.

Really, her physical strength is really bad.

Five thousand meters, fully armed, cross-country...

Xu Dagui has already started to make a training plan in his mind. Well, if Pink Skirt can follow the plan exactly, he can guarantee that within three months, Pink Skirt's physical fitness will be improved by several levels.

At least she won't be exhausted like she is now after running a few steps.

As for Pink Skirt being a girl?

Xu Dagui said that girls need more training so that they can better protect themselves. He walked and thought, this slow snail speed made him feel annoyed.

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