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Chapter 47 Liao Xia, I beg you as a mother...

Two days later, Song Yu's main hall.

The firewood in the charcoal basin was "beeping" and emitting sparks, and it continued to burn, making the people in the room feel the warmth of spring.

Qian Desheng, Dong Changzheng, and Du Yan had just returned from the military. The enthusiasm at the commendation meeting had not yet subsided, but they were dragged here by their wives. Until now, they are still confused.

Could it be that... the wives have already been so well-connected?

The three old men shivered and huddled together, huddled together for warmth, and then communicated with each other through eye contact from time to time.

"Ahem," Chen Guixiang, who was the host, coughed, and then solemnly placed the ceramic cup on the dining table, making a "pop" sound. No need to remind, now immediately quiet down, pin drop can be heard.

"Today's meeting is hurriedly held, and there is something important to announce."

The three old men came to their senses, straightened their backs, pretended to listen attentively, and clasped their hands, ready to applaud at any time.

"Some time ago, we sisters have been doing small transactions, and yesterday we successfully concluded and achieved impressive results. Now, on behalf of the sisters, I announce that our labor income is a total of 11,400. There should be applause here."

"Pah, pah, pah!"

After three seconds of silence, applause rang like thunder. The only one who didn't applaud was Du Yan, who was kept in the dark. His face was already livid, as he had never thought that his wife had kept it a secret. Judging from their expressions, both Captain Qian and Captain Dong were insiders, but he was the only one who was kept out. How bittersweet it must be!

"Comrade Du Yan must be feeling bad, right? Being deceived by his wife and friends like this is unbearable for a man. But you should reflect on why we all insisted on keeping it a secret from you?"

Du Yan was unconvinced, and he raised his head and glared at Tang Yumin, trying to find a trace of guilt or remorse on his wife's face.

But it was useless, as Tang Yumin was chatting and laughing with her sisters with a smile on her face. Guilty? Remorse? Not there.

"Glaring, glaring, pick up your eyes! Du Yan, I tell you, it was my idea, you dare to glare at me. Look at you, Du Yan, you are so young but you are still stubborn. You are the stubborn one." Chen Guixiang became more and more angry. Lao Qian is inflexible, but compared with Du Yan, he is a million times better.

It's Tang Yumin's bad luck to have such an old antique.

"If Yumin told you at the beginning that she wanted to do small business, would you agree? Definitely not. We outsiders can see it clearly. You are full of feudal ideas. What's wrong with doing small business? The country supports it, okay? What's wrong with women making money? We are not ashamed to eat with our own hands."

A good celebration party was turned into a criticism meeting of Du Yan by Chen Guixiang. For some reason, Tang Yumin didn't feel sympathy at all, but was happy instead. He deserved it.

He grabbed a handful of melon seeds, gave half to Shao Qing, and then cracked them happily.

The cheerful cracking sound reached Du Yan's ears, which made him feel even worse. He sat alone on the bench, accepting the criticism alone, without even a comforter around him. Yes, the other two had already parted ways with him and found their own wives.

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