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Chapter 14 Liao Xia

"Song Yu, Xiao Yu, my wife."

Dong Changzheng circled around Song Yu like a pug, "Please have mercy on me."

"What do you want to have mercy on, do you?"

Song Yu couldn't imagine that a dark-faced man could be so clingy. Not to mention that he followed her everywhere, his coquettish and silly behavior was really eye-catching.

"The ground is hard and hurts my whole body. My wife, can I sleep on the bed?" Dong Changzheng said aggrievedly, "Xiao Yu, I have my own quilt and will never move around. It's really annoying."

"Each person has his own quilt and will never cross the line?" Song Yu was troubled by Dong Changzheng's pestering, but this was not impossible.

She stopped suspiciously and evaluated the credibility of her cheap husband. So far, Dong Changzheng's credibility in her eyes is still very high.

"Of course, are you still worried about my character?" Dong Changzheng patted his chest, acting like a gentleman.

Privately, he jumped eight feet high, thinking that his wife was too easy to deceive.

Thinking that she would sleep with this stinky man in the evening, Song Yu shyly twisted herself into a knot. Looking up at Dong Changzheng, who was grinning foolishly and didn't know where to put his hands and feet, she also grinned foolishly.

Under the orange light, the distance between the two people was getting closer and closer. The shadows of the two people snuggled together before the young couple.

"Song Yu! You shameless little cousin."

The vicious curse was so penetrating that the couple, who were about to touch each other, quickly separated. Dong Changzheng stroked his stubble with regret. Damn it, he was only one centimeter away from kissing his wife.

Which bastard dared to ruin his good deeds?

"Song Yu, you are specifically against our Liao family, right? You little cousin, hurry up and come out, otherwise I will hit my head and die at your door."

Old lady Liao was standing at the door of Song Yu's house, crying. Good guy, she was not so sad when old man Liao passed away.

Chen Guixiang ran away with her bowl in hand, and said before she arrived, "Old lady Liao, you are full of shit. Why do you come to Xiaoyu's door to cry for no reason? I think you are just bullying our Xiaoyu because she is beautiful and has a good temper. I tell you, as long as I am here, you can forget it."

My goodness, Sister Chen's voice is really like thunder in the plain, and it is deafening.

"Sister Chen, you have to help us make the decision. What is this old lady Liao doing running to my door to cry in the middle of the night? I will beat you to death if you scare the child, believe it or not?"

Dong Changzheng slammed the door impatiently and stood on the doorstep with his hands on his hips like an iron tower, looking down on people with an imposing manner.

"Child?" The old lady Liao's eyes flashed with guilt. She moved her lips and whispered to herself, "You talk as if no one has ever had a child. These days, the world is going downhill. Don't you know how to respect the elderly?"

Even so, the old lady Liao's arrogance faded, and her voice became lower and lower.

Liao Xia felt disdainful of her grandmother's fighting ability. She was only good at making trouble at home, but she was silent outside. She was really useless! Thinking of this, she showed her signature silly smile and said with a bitter face, "My grandmother just cares about my work, that's why..."

Speaking, Liao Xia couldn't help wiping tears.

"Your work? What does your work have to do with my daughter-in-law? Is it worth you to gather at my door and howl? It's really unreasonable." Dong Changzheng rolled up his sleeves and blocked the door like a door god. His principle was to never scare his delicate wife.

"I, I can't explain it either."

Liao Xia seemed to be frightened by Dong Changzheng's formation, and she shrank her neck stiffly to dodge, just in time to let Hua Hongmei behind her out.

"Okay, you are the damn woman who is making trouble again!" Chen Guixiang stuffed the bowl and chopsticks into the hands of the old woman Liao, and then approached Hua Hongmei with a powerful momentum.

"It would be nice to be a quiet person, but Hua Hongmei, you just like to be a dog, so I'll help you! Last time you helped outsiders to bully my son, today I'm going to settle the score."

"Hey, hey, hey, Chen Guixiang, don't mess around. We are all civilized people, we don't like to use hands and feet. Let me tell you, Chen Guixiang, I, I, I'm not afraid of you!" Hua Hongmei pointed at Chen Guixiang, jumping up and down with a fierce look on her face.

Tsk tsk tsk, Principal Hua's expression is really wonderful. Song Yu, who was protected strictly, looked out from the gap of Dong Changzheng's arm, watching the show with great interest.

Someone stood in front of her, encouraging her to worry and hardship, and that feeling rushed to her head. Song Yu boldly put her hand on the arm of her cheap husband. The dark-faced man against the light looked particularly tall and mighty in her eyes.

"I was originally going to take care of Liao Xia for this substitute teacher job, because the Liao family was in a difficult situation. But... Song Yu got there first, and Liao Xia's job was ruined.

Hua Hongmei avoided the important issues and made things vague. The crowd who didn't know the truth looked at Liao Xia with sympathy. Such a diligent and capable honest person just had a bad fate.

Liao Xia cooperated with a timid and depressed expression, and her rough hands were twisted uneasily, "It doesn't matter to me, me, me. Song Yu is new here and pregnant, so she needs a job more than me. Grandma, let's just... forget it, right? "

Oh my god, how can there be such a good person who can endure humiliation?

The crowd looked at Dong Changzheng with condemnation, but due to his tyranny, everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

"But, I am a formal employee and do not occupy the quota of substitute teachers." Song Yu rested his chin on Dong Changzheng's arm, looking innocent, "So why did you force me to my door?"

Yes! You are beautiful, so what you said is right.

The crowd changed their minds in a second. What bad thoughts can a beautiful person have?

Hearing this, Chen Guixiang was proud. She took back her bowl and chopsticks from the stunned old lady Liao, and then pouted her lips proudly, "Find out the situation before making trouble, okay, it's fun to be made a fool of, right? "

Old lady Liao held the bowl in her hand, her face changing from sunny to cloudy. It was certain that Hua Hongmei shirked responsibility and didn't tell the truth. It was also true that her daughter-in-law cried and refused to step forward. As for the second granddaughter... she really didn't know how to evaluate her.

In short, was she, Old Lady Liao, the villain? Old Lady Liao, who was upset, turned around and slapped Liao Xia. She didn't care if she was good or bad, loyal or treacherous. She would beat her first.

"It's because of you, this money-loser, that I, your grandma, am still being gossiped about at such an old age. You are really a scoundrel and a spendthrift woman!


Liao Xia covered her face with grievance and lowered her eyes. It's like this again! No matter who is right or wrong, she is the punching bag. It was obvious that Hua Hongmei had deliberately said half and kept half to cause the dispute tonight, but she was the one who got slapped in the face in the end.

One day, Liao Xia would definitely...

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