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Chapter 70 End "Dong Mianmian, I'm almost late, hurry up... (1)

"Dong Mianmian, I'm almost late, hurry up and get out."

Dong Changzheng shouted, sweating profusely.

"Hehehe, Dad, you came to find me. "Dong Mianmian sat on a branch of a leafy osmanthus tree, her chubby little feet swaying in the wind without socks.

The sun shone through the gaps between the leaves onto her cheeks, and the soft fur on her white, plump D-shaped face was clearly visible. She held a cute giraffe doll in her arms, her eyes rolling around, very smart.

"Good boy Dong Mianmian, how did you climb up such a high tree? Damn Xu Dagui, it must be that brat without principles." Dong Changzheng's face turned pale, and he stood under the tree with his head raised and his hands raised high.

"Good boy Mianmian, come down, please? Uh, Daddy is afraid of heights, really. "

Dong Chaoyang twisted her legs and leaned out half of her body. Seeing her old father swallowing nervously, she laughed proudly, "Dad, Mianmian is not afraid of heights, really."

Dong Changzheng was so angry that veins jumped on his forehead. He frowned and put his hands on his hips, "Hurry up and get down, little ancestor, or you will be in trouble if I catch you."

"Lululu", Dong Mianmian made a face and wrinkled her nose and said nonchalantly, "Dad, if you have the guts, come up and catch me. "

The baby voice was so soft and adorable.

As she spoke, she supported the tree trunk with one hand, stood up slowly, and waved at Dong Changzheng while holding the giraffe. The tree trunk could not bear the weight and made a creaking sound.

"Ancestor! "Dong Changzheng's heart was in his throat, and his eyes were fixed on the lady's every move. If the branch was not too thin to bear his weight, he would have climbed up and caught this little ancestor.

When Mianmian comes down, he will definitely beat her up this time until the child learns her lesson. He made a vow for the 10,000th time.

In Dong Changzheng's imagination, his Mianmian should be like his wife, speaking and doing things in a soft and tender manner, and screaming loudly when seeing a caterpillar.

But who would have thought that his Mianmian is a little ancestor who loves to run, jump, and make a lot of noise. When she sees a caterpillar, she will scream excitedly, and then use a small wooden stick to play with the caterpillar.

She doesn't look like a girl at all!

"Good girl, come down, okay? "Dong Changzheng touched his forehead and shook his huge body, "You are standing so high, Daddy starts to feel dizzy after watching you for a long time, oh, I am going to fall down."

As he said this, Dong Changzheng staggered a few steps exaggeratedly, stumbled and fell under the osmanthus tree, holding on to the trunk and gasping for breath.

"Ah", Dong Mianmian's eyes widened in surprise, seeing her father staggering, she was naive and nervous and screamed, "Dad, are you okay? Mianmian, come down immediately. Daddy, hold on, wait for little princess Mianmian to come down and save you. "

After saying that, she threw the doll in her arms to the ground, then turned around, hugged the tree trunk and slid down.

Looking at the skilled movements, you can tell at a glance that she is a habitual offender!

Dong Changzheng was so angry that he hit the tree trunk. God must have made a mistake in gender. He was so happy that the boy was so naughty, but he could only cry when he saw the sweet girl...

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