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Chapter 66 Zhong Yi was rescued by Shao Qing and Chen Guixiang...

Zhong Yi was rescued by Shao Qing and Chen Guixiang.

Her legs were as soft as noodles, and she couldn't stand up at all. The reason she was still awake was that she was holding on to her breath, hoping to see her child when she got home, sitting obediently on the sofa.

Wen Ruxu looked at his pale old wife and couldn't help crying. It seems that Wen Ci depends on them, but in fact, they are for Wen Ci.

Wen Ci is not only their hope to live, but also the source of their motivation to work hard.

Without Wen Ci, they might as well go to the underworld to accompany their son. Thinking of his son who had been outstanding since childhood and his son who died with his eyes open, Wen Ruxu was even more sad, stumbling and slipping.

When they finally got home, they saw the empty living room that looked like it was dead. Zhong Yi was immediately disheartened and passed out as soon as she closed her eyes.

"My dear, please don't leave me, so that we won't be lonely on the road to the underworld. Damn God, Wen Ci is still young, if you want to take you, take us two old bones."

Wen Ruxu couldn't hold his old wife who was falling down, so he could only hold Zhong Yi in his arms, fell to the ground, and cried sadly.

In this scene, everyone present could deeply feel the sadness of the old couple. God also sent thick clouds to the scene. For a moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds and strong winds, as if they were singing a dirge for the Wen family.

Dong Changzheng and Du Yan returned to the small building and saw this scene. Including Song Yu, no one could persuade the old couple. If Wen Ci could not be found, they would definitely want to die.

He and Du Yan looked at each other, then each picked up one and placed them on the sofa. Wen Ruxu and Zhong Yi were like zombies, letting them do whatever they wanted.

Except for Song Yu, everyone took turns to fight, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not make the old couple change their minds.

Dong Changzheng was so angry that he cursed his mother, but he was powerless to deal with such an old couple. He cast his eyes on his wife impatiently. She was the only one who could sit on the fishing platform steadily.

"Xiaoyu, think of a solution. You can't just watch Old Wen and the others die like this, right?" In fact, Dong Changzheng looked fierce on the outside, but he was actually very soft on the inside.

"The one who tied the bell should be the one to untie it. This matter is easy to solve. As long as you find Wen Ci back, all problems will be solved." Song Yu held her stomach, calm to the point of cruelty.

"If we can find Wen Ci, why would we bother doing this? Xiaoyu, why are you so cold-blooded today? Did something happen that we don't know about?"

Although Shao Qing was careless, she also had eyes. The atmosphere between Song Yu and Tang Yumin was so stiff, something unknown must have happened.

"No, no, Shao Qing, don't let your imagination run wild." Tang Yumin jumped out to explain. Compared to Song Yu's indifference, she seemed unusually...anxious.

"One or both of them are weird."

Shao Qing scratched her head unhappily and continued to comfort Zhong Yi with all her heart. She couldn't bear to see such a tragedy happen right in front of her.

"Damn it, who is harming my little Wen Ci! She is innocent and well-behaved, and she doesn't fight with the world. How can they do that? Wuwuwu."

Zhong Yi's voice was hoarse, and she stared out the window woodenly, with a dead silence in her eyes. It seemed that with Wen Ci's departure, her love for life was also taken away.

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