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Chapter 41 Brother, do you want some melon seed soda? ...

"Where can you let me find plum blossoms in this season?" In front of the two men, Song Yu lowered her head and bit off the embroidery thread, then spread out the clothes and shook them flat.

"Hey, be careful." Even though he saw his wife bit off the thread with his own eyes, Dong Changzheng still couldn't believe that it was fake and embroidered.

"Teacher Song, this craft is too amazing, isn't it?" Xu Dagui childishly poked the branch with his fingers. It was uneven to the touch, even with the rough texture of tree bark, while the stamens were slender and soft. He didn't even dare to use force, for fear of breaking the tender stamens as thin as hair.

Getting closer, Xu Dagui vaguely smelled the elegant and dusty fragrance. How could it be embroidered when it has all the colors, flavors, and shapes?

"Brother-in-law, do you smell the fragrance of plum blossoms?"

"No, I only smell the fragrance of chestnut stewed chicken. The fragrance of plum blossoms cannot be eaten as a meal, but the fragrance of chicken soup can fill your stomach. Xu Da Kui, which one do you choose?"

"Chicken soup!" The answer was so crisp and clear.

Since we are all foodies without artistic vision, let's eat first. To fulfill the promise, a big fat chicken leg and a spoonful of chestnut mushrooms, a big bowl.

Even if the two bowls are divided fairly, there is still some depth. The two men exchanged glances, "crackling" sparks flew everywhere, and in the blink of an eye, they had already exchanged seven or eight moves.

"Bang, bang, bang", punches hit the flesh without leaving any strength. "Ouch", Xu Dagui covered his wrist and cried in pain, then watched Dong Changzheng proudly pick up the full bowl and enjoy the fruits of victory.

Alas, now, he still can't beat Dong Changzheng!

Don't be afraid, he is still young, there is plenty of time and opportunities, and he will continue to improve. One day, he will defeat Dong Changzheng openly and win the final victory.

The loser Xu Dagui instead aroused a stronger fighting spirit, and the boy's eyes flashed with dazzling confidence, dazzling.

Willing to admit defeat, he had no choice but to pick up the slightly shallow bowl, grab the chicken leg and "ah ah ah" to chew it. Eat more and grow faster. He needs to increase his training to gain strength, skills and experience. Dong Changzheng, wait for me.

The competition between the men was completed when Song Yu was scooping the soup. When she turned around, she saw the happy scene and couldn't help but asked with a smile, "How is the chicken soup?"

"Wife, your cooking skills are impeccable. I want another bowl."

"Teacher Song, the chicken soup is so delicious. I can finish a pot by myself." Haha, one pot is more than one bowl. He won! The hidden happiness of defeating Dong Changzheng was simply wonderful.

"That won't work. Such a big pot will kill you." After taking a sip of chicken soup, it was really delicious. Perhaps it's because the chickens are raised in a free-range environment, the chicken is firm and the soup is rich, leaving a lingering aftertaste.

No wonder those two childish guys fought over chicken soup.

"A Tu, your second brother-in-law gave me three movie tickets. Tomorrow, the three of us will go around the county town." After a bowl of chicken soup with rice and some chestnut mushrooms, Song Yu was already full.

She is nearly four months pregnant and has a slightly protruding belly. She likes to touch her belly and keep in touch with the baby no matter when and where. During this physical examination, Shao Qing personally checked her body and found that all her physical indicators were up to standard and her baby was also very healthy.

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