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Chapter 51 The man I chose must be with me no matter what...

Song Qin's belly is one month bigger than Song Yu's, and now it looks like an upside-down pot. She is now extremely thin, with bony bones and dull eyes, like a walking skeleton.

A lot of people have gathered around her to watch the excitement.

"Lu Qingen, what are you doing in the commune again?" Song Qin screamed hysterically, her big and shocking eyes full of madness and stubbornness.

Lu Qingen was extremely impatient. He frowned and replied unhappily, "I work in the supply and marketing cooperative. I went to the commune just to work. Song Qin, how many times do you want me to tell you before you believe me? And, with such a big belly, why did you come to the commune instead of resting at home?"

"Lu Qingen, don't treat me like a fool. I ask again, what are you doing in the commune?" Song Qin grabbed Lu Qingen's sleeves and was stubborn.

Today was not the first time she followed Lu Qingen. If she didn't know the details, she would not question him in the street like this.

"Are you crazy, Song Qin?" Lu Qingen held his forehead with his right hand, seeming to be extremely disappointed with his wife, "Do we still have the most basic trust between husband and wife? If you continue to be so suspicious, there is no need for us to be together."

"Hehe, Lu Qingen, you finally told the truth today. You have long wanted to get rid of me, this burden, and I know it. Hahaha, but don't even think about it. If you dare to mention separation again, I will fight to the death." Song Qin touched her belly and suddenly calmed down again.

"You..." Lu Qingen sighed bitterly, "Song Qin, look at you now, it's terrible, you know? You have changed, you are no longer the girl I admire. Let yourself go, let me go, okay?"

Most people around sympathized with Lu Qingen, and pointed at the neurotic Song Qin. That's right, Lu Qingen looked decent in a neat Zhongshan suit.

Song Qin, on the other hand, was not only disheveled, but also stained on her clothes, and exuded an indescribable stench. With such an obvious contrast, the people around her naturally felt biased.

Song Qin's big tears rolled in her eyes, but she was stubborn and refused to fall.

What do you mean she has changed? Her feelings for Lu Qingen have never changed. The one who changed is actually Lu Qingen himself, right?

Lu Qingen changed his mind a long time ago. As his bedmate, she naturally noticed it a long time ago, but she just refused to admit it.

No, it should be said that Lu Qingen did not change his mind, because this man has no heart at all.

So, Song Qin fell into this situation today, which is the result of betraying her cousin. Is it what she deserves?

Hahaha, Lu Qingen, you want freedom, you think too beautifully, even if you become a ghost, she will cling to you tightly, and she will definitely not be lonely on the road to the underworld.

"Lu Qingen, we are husband and wife, and we are going to spend our lives together. What is there to let go?" Song Qin took Lu Qingen's arm and smiled sweetly as before, as if the hysteria just now was an illusion.

But such a smile on her skull-like face was creepy.

The moment Song Qin put his arm around Lu Qingen, he felt like he was being entangled by a poisonous snake. He tried his best to control himself from shaking, but the cold sweat on his forehead still came out.

Song Qin raised her arm and wiped Lu Qingen's forehead diligently, and then said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Lu Qingen, I have been following you for a while. Is Widow Ma's bed easy to climb? I heard that this gangster could be sentenced to death for serious crimes, but I don't know if it's true or not."

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