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Chapter 37 Ginseng is worth so much?

"I don't accept it!"

The boy's sweat-soaked face was full of determination, and his eyes were more determined than ever. Xu Dagui had only one belief at this time, that is, he must not let Captain Dong return the goods.

If... if he returns the goods on the first day because of the late arrival, he, he, he will not only be ashamed to face his parents at home, but also to face Teacher Song. When he thought of Teacher Song's smiling face showing a disappointed expression, it was more painful than sanding him.

No, a man should not be a shrinking turtle.

"I was wrong for being late, I admit my mistake, but Captain Dong, you can't beat me to death with one stick. I am willing to accept punishment, any punishment."

This kid is good to be able to arouse fighting spirit from adversity so quickly. Even though he was willing, Dong Changzheng had a thoughtful expression on his face.

There's a way!

Seeing that Captain Dong did not firmly refuse, Xu Dagui, who had recovered his breath, stood up straight and continued to add, "Captain Dong, even for your own reputation, you can't return me on the first day, right? And I promise, this is the first and last time. If there is a next time, you don't have to return me, I will leave on my own initiative."

"Cough cough", a soft cough sounded in the yard. The sound sounded powerless, but it frightened the two men at the door into a cold sweat.

Dong Changzheng, who was just majestic and menacing, turned around and rushed into the house to help his wife get up. It's all Xu Dagui's fault. He kept beeping early in the morning. Didn't he wake up his wife?

He shouldn't have been soft-hearted to this kid just now. He should have scolded him more fiercely.

Ahem, actually, he still admired this kid. He had a courageous and fearless spirit, which was like him.

"A Tu, good morning."

If Dong Changzheng was a violent storm just now, then Song Yu was a gentle breeze and drizzle now, which made people happy.

"Good morning, Teacher Song."

Xu Dagui smiled involuntarily. He didn't need fancy words. Such a simple greeting made him satisfied and tired.

"A Tu, why are you soaking wet?"

"He ran all the way from home, it's normal to sweat a little." Dong Changzheng handed over a mouthwash of suitable temperature and a toothbrush with toothpaste squeezed in it.

"A Tu, have you had breakfast?"

After washing her face, Song Yu dug out a little cream from the porcelain jar, which she made herself with the colorful flowers in the space. She had learned it with her cousins ​​when she was free in her previous life, but she didn't expect it to come in handy now.

"I ate a big pancake and fried dough sticks on the way, but I was hungry." Xu Dagui touched his belly that was "gurgling" and told the truth.

"Then you two should hurry up and have breakfast. I'll prepare some side dishes."

Cut the pickled cabbage into shreds and mix it with sesame oil. It's salty and fragrant. The osmanthus eggs are tender and the fried peanuts are crispy. The three of them enjoy the side dishes.

Song Yu sipped the porridge, then delicately tore off a piece of steamed bun and chewed it slowly. After eating half of the steamed bun, she was full.

Then, she put down her chopsticks and held her chin up to watch the two men eating steamed buns like hungry ghosts. She couldn't help but wonder, could it be that both of them had stomachs full of seas? They had already eaten three steamed buns that were bigger than the men's fists.

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