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Chapter 56 Tang Yumin, what do you mean? ...

Dong Changzheng stopped and held Song Yu's hand in a straight line.

He leaned back and looked up at the building again. At first glance, he thought the building was pretty good, with a big yard, where children could play freely in the future. When he, Dong Changzheng, gets rich, he will also build one for his wife.

Now, the house is named Dong, oh no, Song. Putting on his father's glasses and looking at the house again, he thought the house was perfect! The only perfect house in the world.

Wife, his!

Dong Changzheng was so proud that his eyes were flying. He had a good eye and married such a good wife. Hahaha.

Dong Changzheng rubbed Song Yu's palm and flirted with his wife, "Xiaoyu, you can get a big house in less than half a day. This is too amazing! Only my wife, Dong Changzheng, can be so awesome."

"Nonsense, nonsense, Dong Changzheng, please be serious, okay?" Song Yu was too embarrassed to raise her head. How could she be as good as her husband said? Song Yu shrank her palm with a feeling of electric shock.

Dong Changzheng smiled frivolously and held his wife's hand tightly, refusing to let go. Let go? Just kidding, he still felt that he didn't pull enough.

Putting his hand on Song Yu's shoulder, Dong Changzheng leaned close to his wife's ear and whispered, "Wife, such a big house must cost a lot of money, right? That...do we have enough savings? Not enough, I'll go find my husband to move some money."

Really, whispering in public, how can it be decent? Song Yu touched her hot earlobe and angrily glared at her husband: Be serious.

"Let's talk inside." Dragging Dong Changzheng, Song Yu pushed the door open and entered the house.

Everyone in the living room looked at the tightly clasped hands of Song Yu and his wife. It seemed that the young couple had a good relationship. Old Wen frowned playfully and nudged his old friend with his shoulder, "Hey, look at how clingy he is, just like you when you were young."

"Hmm," Old Lin seemed to be lost in memory, tears glistening in his eyes, staring blankly at the young couple who opened the door and came in. Thinking back then, he and his wife were also so inseparable, with their eyes exchanging affection.

Closing his eyes tiredly, Old Lin pinched his nose and forced himself to walk out of his memory. He had to leave, staying here for a second was torture.

"Song Yu, is this your husband? Not bad, he looks energetic." Zhong Yi waved at Song Yu, and she also had a good impression of Dong Changzheng, who had a clear and upright look.

"Mr. Zhong, Mr. Wen, Mr. Lin, this is my husband Dong Changzheng, and the other one is Tang Yumin's husband Du Yan. They are all the first batch of students of the Command Academy." Song Yu shook off her husband's hand, touched her hot cheeks and walked to Zhong Yi's side.

"Mr. Lin, you can find Dong Changzheng for the formalities." Song Yu leaned softly on Zhong Yi's shoulder and acted as a keeper. "He has a few days of vacation after he reports, so he can use this time to settle the family properly. I have solved such a big thing as the house, and the rest will be handed over to him."

"Yes, seniors, I, Dong Changzheng, will do your bidding." Dong Changzheng patted his chest and took a lot of bags. The people in the living room looked like they were from important backgrounds, and they were lucky to let him, a small follower, run errands.

Kneeling on one knee, Dong Changzheng was completely shameless and stretched out his big hand to press Song Yu's calf. His expression was extremely solemn, as if he was doing something sacred.

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