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Chapter 39 Do you want to help the Liao family? ...

"A Tu, do you know what the Liao family is like now?" Zhang Meiyun disappeared in front of her, Song Yu lost a fun thing, and was really a little uncomfortable.

"Liao family?" Xu Da Kui stared at Song Jie, spitting viciously, then turned around and caught up with Teacher Song in a few steps. He is now a gossip in the army, and no matter how small the movement is, it will not escape his eyes.

"The Liao family is bustling now. Liao Jing resigned."

"Ah, resigned, why? She is a nurse in a hospital, the work is easy and the salary is stable, why is she so depressed? The Liao family is already in financial difficulties, isn't she poking a hole in the Liao family's sky?"

Song Yu was also stunned by Liao Jing's outrageous behavior. Wouldn't this old woman Liao tear her to pieces?

"That's why they quarreled every day and night, and scared Captain Liao so much that he didn't dare to go home." Thinking of Captain Liao's bear appearance, Xu Dagui couldn't help but laugh, what a coward.

"Why is Liao Jing doing this? There are so many military wives who have tried their best to get a job in this hospital. It is hard to understand why she gave up so easily."

"I heard that it was to take the college entrance examination."

"Ah? If she wants to take the college entrance examination, then take the college entrance examination. This does not conflict with resignation. Besides, Liao Jing is a literary star descended from the earth. She will definitely pass the exam? Forget it, Liao Jing has her own plans. Why should we outsiders worry about it?" Song Yu just listened to the Liao family's affairs as a joke.

"Bah, Liao Jing, you spendthrift woman, want to eat and drink for free? Hurry up and cook..." Sure enough, when passing by the Liao family, the old lady Liao in the house cursed louder and louder.

Sure enough, it was lively. Should she add more firewood?

Carrying the freshly baked chestnut cake, Song Yu took the time to go to sister-in-law Guixiang before making dinner. Some things must be done, otherwise it would be unfair to Liao Yan for taking care of her.

"Sister-in-law Guixiang, I don't come here for no reason. Of course, I didn't come empty-handed."

"It smells so good, this is chestnut cake, right? If you have anything, just ask, it doesn't matter whether you bring anything or not." Chen Guixiang took the basket and walked into the house with Song Yu enthusiastically.

"Xiaoyu, you are three months pregnant, right? Well, Dong Changzheng has taken good care of you. By the way, why are you in trouble?"

Chen Guixiang is good at everything, but she loves gossip. After all, there are only so many things to do at home, and she will be bored if she doesn't find some fun.

"It's not a big deal. The child is my godmother's. He's the only child in the family, so he's a little spoiled. So I sent him to the army to train him and let him suffer a little."

Song Yu leaned on Chen Guixiang's shoulder coquettishly and explained the matter. This was for Sister Guixiang, and also for all the military wives.

"Sister Guixiang, try the chestnut cake I made first. If it tastes good, then promise to help me." As he said that, Song Yu pinched a piece and held it in his hand and passed it to Chen Guixiang's mouth.

"Oh my, I'm so lucky. Look at the handsome appearance of this chestnut cake, you know it's good." Chen Guixiang swallowed it into her mouth with a "wow" and squinted her eyes in enjoyment.

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