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Chapter 44 Yumin, why is it you?

Song Yu thought that Dong Changzheng's obsession was only temporary, and she never expected that her husband was deeply trapped in it and could not get out of it.

Dong Changzheng used to like Niu Niu very much. He would always kiss, hug and lift him up when he saw him, but since the baby's fetal movement, everything was wrong.

"What, wife? You little brat, you dare to think about such a good thing at such a young age? Du Yan, hurry up and come out." Dong Changzheng held Niu Niu in one hand, stood by the low wall and shouted to Du Yan.

"I say, Du Yan, Du Yan, I treat you as a brother, but you are so shameless that you instruct my son to seduce my daughter. Do you have any shame?"

Du Yan came out of the house with a toothbrush in his hand. Seeing the angry Dong Changzheng, he was also confused. "No, Dong Changzheng, put my son down first. If there is anything, we adults can talk it out. What do you mean by instructing my son to seduce your daughter? Do you have a daughter?"

"Of course I don't. My daughter is in my wife's belly. Your stinky boy pointed at the belly and called my wife, what does this mean? My daughter must be a fairy. Is your Niu Niu worthy of her? I tell you, Du Yan, if you want to marry my daughter, there is no way."

After saying that, Dong Changzheng still put Niu Niu down obediently. Now he looks at Niu Niu with the glasses of a "father-in-law", and he finds that Niu Niu is not good in every aspect. She is too short, her skin is too dark, and she can't speak fluently... He can count all her shortcomings for three days and three nights.

Well, Niu Niu is only three years old this year, so what can she do?

"Dong Changzheng, you think too much. First of all, are you sure that she is a concubine? Secondly, what if your concubine looks like you? Finally, our Niu Niu really doesn't like her!"

Du Yan also got angry, and spit out foam with a "puff" sound, and started to curse Dong Changzheng. In his eyes, Niu Niu is perfect, and the emperor's daughter is worthy of her.

"You crow-mouthed Du Yan, how dare you curse my concubine? Niu Niu doesn't like her? He doesn't like that he comes to my house every day and calls her daughter-in-law too often." Although Dong Changzheng doesn't like Niu Niu, it doesn't mean he doesn't show off.

Damn, my son is not doing well. Du Yan was so angry that he broke his toothbrush and climbed up the low wall. He immediately felt that the air was much fresher. "Dong Changzheng, stop talking nonsense. Let's have a real fight. Do you dare to accept it?"

"I dare!" Dong Changzheng jumped up the low wall with a "whoosh". Even if he was in a posture of climbing up the wall, he wanted to beat Du Yan. Across the vegetable patch in the middle, he looked at her with disdain, "Dare, what am I afraid of? Just mark the lines. I will definitely let you taste the taste of a loser."

"Tsk, who doesn't know how to speak harshly? Dong Changzheng, others may be afraid of you, but I, Du Yan, am not! In two days, the military competition will be held for the whole army. I want to see who will be the champion?"

Du Yan was not aimless. He had been eyeing Dong Changzheng, the first in the whole army, for a long time. Now it was time to issue a challenge.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, every year there are always some young and incompetent people who want to stand out. Do they really think that Dong Changzheng is a vegetarian? He crossed his arms, laughed and shook his head, "It seems that Captain Du has planned it all along. Don't be afraid, we'll see you on the field. If I lose to a rookie like you, I'll write the three words Dong Changzheng backwards!"

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