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Chapter 27 Returning the Money (Part 2)

The paper was yellowish, and it looked old.

Captain Tan carefully took the note and quickly read it. The more he read, the more solemn his expression became.

There were only a few words on the note, but Captain Tan read it over and over again. Finally, his face turned ashen and he sighed heavily.

This is not a piece of paper, but a heavy fatherly love!

Handing the note to Captain Qian, Tan Zhibin pursed his lips in response to his suspicious look, motioning him to read it himself.

Qian Jiakang and Xu Weida looked at each other at the same time, and quietly approached Captain Qian, trying to peek at the contents of the paper.

Xu Dagui stretched his neck, his eyes sparkling, but his face showed an indifferent expression.

I really want to know!

Dong Changzheng put his arm around his wife's shoulders, hoping to warm his wife's wounded heart with his hot body temperature. As for the content on the paper, he had already seen it in advance.

Look, how much his wife trusts him!

The secret joy in his heart "gurgled" out, and Dong Changzheng couldn't even suppress the corners of his mouth that were raised.

Shao Qing was far away, scratching his ears and cheeks anxiously, and wanted to snatch the small note from Captain Qian's hand. Hey, this Captain Qian is only in his forties, why is he so procrastinating?

I'm so anxious, okay?

Captain Qian read the note word for word, his expression as serious as Captain Tan's. He closed his eyes and returned the note to Captain Tan.

Does this note look familiar?

Wang Jufen felt that her eyes were blurry and she swallowed nervously. This matter must be related to the dead boss.

Captain Tan shook his head with regret and handed the note to Zhao Yongjun, "Zhao Gongan, you read this note."

"Yes, Captain Tan!" Zhao Gongan took the note respectfully with both hands and read it quickly. While reading, he glanced at Wang Jufen many times.

How to describe that look? There was a lot of disgust, a little anger, and hatred that followed him everywhere...

It was just this look that made Wang Jufen's hair stand on end, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet.

"Ahem," Zhao Gongan cleared his throat, "Song Zhibang, a villager of Dayushu Village, Qingshan Commune, and my mother Wang Jufen signed this agreement as a witness: Song Zhibang pays thirty yuan per month. Ten yuan is for the elderly care of his parents, ten yuan is for the living expenses of his daughter Song Yu, and the last ten yuan is for his daughter Song Yu's dowry. Please ask my mother Wang Jufen to keep the dowry for me. When my daughter Song Yu gets married, Wang Jufen should return it in one lump sum. It will be executed from the date of signing the agreement, January 1, 1960."

You can hear a pin drop in the ward.

Damn it! The boss actually still has the receipt. Didn't he say it was destroyed?

Wang Jufen's face turned blue and white, more interesting than that Western painting. Also, weren't they here tonight to deal with Lu Qingen's broken leg? How did the receipt come up?

If she had known it would be like this, why would she get involved in this mess?

Fang Xiuli's face had long been more stinky and harder than the stone in the toilet. As a vested interest, she now dared to hold her tail, fearing that the public security comrades would ask her to pay back the money.

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