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Chapter 12 Lingquan

Dong Changzheng was eager to return home, and finally realized the meaning of this word.

He thought about it while running, while breathing, while standing at attention, and even more on the way home. Dong Changzheng felt that he was a seriously ill patient, and his wife was the life-saving medicine.

As dusk fell, smoke from cooking in every household rose, and the air was filled with the aroma of food. Dong Changzheng strode forward tirelessly towards home.

Huh? The door was locked, and it seemed that his wife was still true to her word. Dong Changzheng grinned and stretched out his hand to knock on the door.

After knocking a few times, there was no movement in the room. Didn't he get up yet? Dong Changzheng looked around, picked up a piece of thin wire from the ground, put it into the lock and pounded it. "Click", a few seconds later, the door opened.

"Huh", Dong Changzheng blew a breath on the wire proudly, and then sneaked in.

The room was dark and quiet, and Dong Changzheng tiptoed to the door. His wife was wrapped in a quilt, sleeping soundly with her back to the door. Until this moment, his expression softened and his heart settled.

"Xiaoyu, it's time to get up. If you oversleep, you won't have an appetite for dinner." Dong Changzheng stood at the door and undressed, taking off his sweaty and dirty clothes. His movements were crisp and quick, and soon he was left with only a pair of torn pants.

"Ah, hooligan!" Song Yu turned around with sleepy eyes and saw the scene of the stye. She screamed and pulled the quilt over her head, wrapping herself up like a cocoon.

"Hehehe", Dong Changzheng bent down and pulled off his smelly socks, laughing in an extremely obscene way, "Xiaoyu, we are an old couple, where on my body have you not seen it?"

As he spoke, Dong Changzheng put his hands on his waist and twisted his waist three times to the left and three times to the right.

"Dong Changzheng." Song Yu's voice broke. She was so embarrassed that she hid in the quilt and dared not raise her head. "You, you, you, hurry up and take a shower and put on your clothes. Cool down carefully."

"Yes, Chief! I promise to complete the task." Dong Changzheng stood at attention and saluted seriously, then ran to the yard barefoot, ready to take a bucket of cold water to take a shower.

With just a brief glance, Song Yu clearly saw the scars on her cheap husband's body. There was a place that was infinitely close to his heart. If it was a few centimeters off, he would definitely die.

With his fingers tightly grasping the quilt, Song Yu's heart was also grasped by the dense scars. As Dong Changzheng himself said, every promotion he got was at the cost of his life.

Song Yu poked out her eyes, which were like apricot blossoms and spring rain, and misty with tears. "Dong Changzheng, take a bath with some hot water." The soft voice was muffled and nasal.

"Now the weather is cool, and it's easy to catch a cold if you take a cold bath. It's okay if you catch a cold yourself, but what if you infect your child?"

Song Yu's voice was very low, almost whispering. But Dong Changzheng heard it clearly as if he had a good ear. He grinned happily from the corners of his mouth to his ears, and his eyes were determined to win. Sure enough, the delicate daughter-in-law is the softest, is this a sign that she cares about him?

"Got it." Dong Changzheng shouted towards the room, then took the hot water bottle that he had prepared long ago, humming a little tune and took a bath.

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