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Chapter 29 Dong Changzheng, why is your quilt wet...

Walking out of the hospital hand in hand with Shao Qing, Song Yu greeted the rising sun and smiled sincerely in front of outsiders for the first time, "Shao Qing, don't send me off anymore, we'll be home soon."

The two sisters held hands reluctantly and shook for a long time without letting go.

Dong Changzheng sucked his teeth sourly, is it appropriate for the sisters to be so close? He pulled the sisters' tightly clasped hands apart in a petty manner, and then slowly interlocked his fingers with his wife like a provocation.

"Xiaoyu, you've been busy all night, go home and sleep quickly. You're carrying a baby, you can't get tired."

"Yes, yes, yes, Dong Changzheng finally said something sensible. Xiaoyu, go home and have a good rest, we'll make an appointment when we're free, see you later." What if he's reluctant? Shao Qing covered his chest seriously, pinched Xiaoyu's smooth face, and then waved his hand to let her go.

Xiaoyu must have some magic. The carefree tomboy has now learned to say goodbye like a woman.

Watching Shao Qing disappear in the hospital, Song Yu frowned and stood for a while before walking to Captain Tan and bowing respectfully to thank them.

Whether it was intentional or not, she was very grateful to them, especially Captain Tan. Don't think that he seems to have no idea when he jokes around, but in fact, every step of the development of the matter is pushed by him secretly and openly.

The matter was solved smoothly without making a sound, a master.

"Thank you, thank you public security comrades for enforcing the law impartially, so that things can be solved so smoothly tonight."

"Oh, this is what we should do, you are really too polite. It's because you have a good temper and don't argue with them. If it were someone else, there would definitely be a big fight, and then it would be difficult for us public security officers."

Public security officer Zhao's face was full of energy, and there was no trace of staying up late.

Chen Xun nodded with emotion, and his baby face was full of smiles, "If everyone is as reasonable and easy to talk as Teacher Song, our public security workload can be reduced by at least half, or even more."

"Public security officer Chen is right, I raise my hands and feet to agree."

After a night of getting along, the two young public security officers also appreciated each other and felt sorry for meeting each other too late. Now they just hope to find a quiet place to have a good chat, and it would be even better if they can sleep together.

"It's the public security comrade who gave you the award."

While speaking, Song Yu turned his head and looked at Xu Da Kui who was coming against the light, and waved to him.

Reaching out his hand, petting Xu, who was like a large dog, Song Yu gently picked up the dry grass on his collar, "Xu, I am very grateful for your standing up. I will visit you at home in a few days when the busy farming season comes."

"Also, go home and explain it to your family. You didn't come back all night, they must be worried."

Is that so? Originally, he was going to deal with the old man casually, but since Teacher Song ordered him to do so, he would reluctantly explain a few words.

Xu Dagui nodded obediently like a good baby, and Tan Zhibin was so surprised that his eyes popped out of his sockets. Was this his illusion or his hallucination?

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