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Chapter 32 This fish has the surname Xu after entering the Xu family! ...

On the first day of the busy farming season, the village was filled with a joyful atmosphere. This is the happiest time of the year for farmers, and the heavy harvest means that they will have enough food and clothing next year.

The army also had a busy farming season holiday, and all officers and soldiers had to go to the fields to help harvest. Even the children who had just learned to walk were stumbling around in the fields picking rice ears.

Only Song Yu and Dong Changzheng, a couple of idle people, were wearing clean and tidy clothes, carrying a basket of apples, and walking hand in hand towards the commune.

Considering his wife and baby, Dong Changzheng could only move forward at a turtle's pace. The air was filled with the smell of harvest, and he looked at his wife beside him with a tender gaze.

His wife wore a beige cotton shirt with a turmeric corduroy jacket on the outside. This color is very picky, and anyone with dark yellow skin will look like an old lady in it. But Song Yu has fair and tender skin, and this color makes her look particularly charming.

The autumn wind blew through his wife's half-long hair, and the brown hairpin on her ear shone with a glossy luster in the sun, complementing her skin.

Dong Changzheng adjusted the buttons on his collar and was in a good mood.

Just treat it as an outing.

Xu Dagui bought soy milk for his grandmother early in the morning and has been sitting still since then. Sometimes he complained that time was passing too slowly, why had Teacher Song not arrived yet? Sometimes he complained that time was passing too quickly, he was not mentally prepared yet.

He paced back and forth in the yard, the green bricks on the ground were worn away by him.

Alas, Xu Dagui sighed to the sky, he had to face it calmly.

No, no, his heart was beating too fast, he covered his chest with his hands, "thump thump thump", took a few steps back, and finally caught his breath by leaning against the wall.

Xu Guoqing watched his son's torment like a peep show, he had been doing it since four o'clock in the morning, and the whole family, except Grandma Xu, was being manipulated by him.

He yawned, stretched his back, wiped away the tears, and his curiosity about Teacher Song reached its peak.

Anyone who could make his silly son so nervous must not be a leisurely person.

"Hey, Xu Guoqing, why are you in a daze? Don't you see your son is anxious and angry? Be careful that he won't let you go." Li Yufen tugged at the corner of her clothes and asked while twisting her body.

"Xu Guoqing, look... I am dressed well, right?"

More than just well-dressed, this is clearly more than enough to be a bride.

Xu Guoqing walked around his wife and touched the material of her clothes in a pretentious manner. "Is this made of wool? It's really cool, and it fully reflects the demeanor of a credit union director."

The navy blue small suit collar style, with the same color trousers, a pair of shiny pigskin leather shoes on her feet, and the neat short hair, she is really dashing and energetic, a woman who is as good as a man.

"You are so smooth-talking, did you eat too many fried dough sticks this morning? I am an old woman, how can I be so elegant?" Li Yufen touched the end of her hair and was rarely reserved.

"Hey, mom, I don't like what you said. You are not an old woman at all. When you walk on the street, everyone thinks you are my sister. Well, this outfit suits your temperament very well. You are indeed a leader of the new era and new women."

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