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Chapter 50 Liao Xia finally got married in a grand ceremony...

"Liao Xia, do you want to get married or not? Give me a definite answer." Shao Qing felt that he had hardened his fists. It was really sad to have to deal with such parents. And all Liao Xia's efforts and struggles seemed like a joke.

Shao Qing closed his eyes in pain.

"Liao Xia, marriage needs to be managed. If you hold grudges in your heart, you will definitely not be happy." Tang Yumin was also a little sentimental and couldn't help but give advice.

"Liao Xia, you are a good girl, we all see it. If you really don't want this marriage, then your sister-in-law will make the decision and help you back out."

"Liao Xia, I think what you should worry about now is not the marriage, but your parents and family. If you can't figure out this relationship, your marriage will never be happy."

Song Yu still wanted to help Liao Xia, just as a way out for "Dong Changzheng". Besides, anyone who works hard to live should not be let down.

Song Yu's words almost meant that the Liao family was unreliable. Even Liao Yan, who was as ignorant as she was, couldn't help but get furious.

Zhang Meiyun glared at Song Yu in anger, wishing she could tear her apart alive, "Song Yu! What do you intend to do by trying to sow discord between us? Our Liao family is doing well, and we don't need you to interfere."

"You don't need to tell us whether we are doing well or not, we can see it with our own eyes. Besides, even if we interfere, what can you do? You do things that are shameful, but you don't let others say anything. Who gives you the face?" Song Yu would not show any mercy when confronting people.

"Liao family, the groom is about to arrive at the gate of the army, are you ready?" The sister-in-law who was out doing good things shouted, and her tone of gloating was not concealed at all.

Zhang Meiyun's face turned pale, and she was sweating anxiously. She stared at Liao Xia and begged, "Xia, I beg you, the Liao family can't afford to lose this person, oh." Hope shone in her eyes, "300 yuan for the betrothal gift, I will put it in the bottom of your box, not a penny less, really."

"How can I put it without a box?" Shao Qing was surprisingly angry.

Liao Jing's face was even paler than Zhang Meiyun's. She had already made arrangements for this money, and planned to ask her mother for it and save it for college. Now it's all gone, how can she not feel heartbroken.

Although Aunt Liao also looked disapproving, she gritted her teeth and reluctantly agreed, thinking of the Liao family's reputation, "Silly girl, are you finally satisfied now? I tell you, if you take the betrothal money, you won't have a dowry. I won't pay a cent for the dowry!"

"Xia, hurry up and agree. Mother kneels down for you." Zhang Meiyun was like an eighty-year-old woman, trembling and moving slowly with the help of a stool.

"I agree." Liao Xia sat up straight, feeling hopeless.

It has come to this point. If she really doesn't marry, there will be no place for her in the Liao family. Marry, marrying is just a change of place to survive.

"Hey? Hey! Good lady, hurry up and dress up." Zhang Meiyun stood up and laughed. The crisis was resolved. As for the knot in the lady's heart, there would be plenty of time to solve it in the future, she thought very optimistically.

"Liao Xia, I have a new bed sheet here, happy marriage."

"Liao Xia, a pair of pillowcases, happy marriage."

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