105. Ferrari

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Naomi sighed, she knew, she did a good decision, but it still hurt her.

"Pack your things and go to the Ferrari motorhome. Fred Vasseur is waiting for you" Christian added.

"Excuse me?" Naomi asked with a confusion.

"Ferrari was looking for an admin and you have all the experience what you need, it is a perfect spot and Fred agreed to take you. It hurts letting you go to the competition, but I believe it is for the best. I want you to remember that there is always a spot here for you if you decide to go back or if you will change your mind."

Naomi felt tears in her eyes. She was so grateful. She quickly got up and pulled Christian into a hug, it didn't matter to her how unprofessional it is. "Thank you so much, I am so grateful".

"Don't need to thank me, I am glad I could do atleast something for you" Christian smiled.

"Don't worry, I will still help you to fix the situation" Naomi said, she meant every word she said, she was determined to help.

"Keep the Red Bull paddock pass. You are still welcomed here at any time. Just please do me a favor and change from a Ferrari merch before you go to the red bull hospitality" Christiam said jokingly.

"Thank you. Max- he will be upset" Naomi said.

"He will get over it" Christian shrugged his shoulders.

Naomi hoped that he is correct. Now it was time to deliever this news to Max.

Naomi left the office. Max was waiting in front of it.

"So? Darling?" Max asked.

"I quit" Naomi said quickly. Like if she was taking off a bandage.

Naomi heard a loud falling sound. Max's phone fell on a ground. Max didn't even look there.

"What?" Max asked, he looked more shocked than ever.

"I quit" Naomi repeated.

"No way-" Max sat on a floor. He looked like he saw a ghost.

"That is not all" Naomi said.

Max didn't say anything.

"I will be doing media for Ferrari" Naomi said while staring at him.

"Why- just why" Max asked and pulled his hair in a frustration.

"I am sorry, it was for the best. You are important for me and so is the whole Red Bull team. I love you Max and I don't want you to have any trouble because of me."

"And this is not a trouble? That you are going to leave me there just like that?" Max asked. He seemed hurt by this decision, but Naomi was too.

"You are not quiting, you didn't think this through, we didn't consult it" Max said.

"It is already done. My decision is not changing."

Max stared into a wall.

"Your phone" Naomi said and pointed on it, there was no use, the phone was completely broken now.

"F*ck the phone" Max said. "I need a drink" he added.

"Absolutely not. You have a qualifying in few hours" Naomi frowned.

"I might just go home and not drive" Max frowned too.

"You will drive so no drinks. Max- trust me it was a good decision. Also Christian told me he will take me back if I will want it."

"Perfect. So do you want it already?" Max asked.


"You can come back already" Max said.

"I haven't even left yet" Naomi said.

"And? I need you here."

"Stop being so dramatic. I will be just few meters away" Naomi rolled her eyes.

"Yeah...few meters away in a land of enemies" Max said.

Naomi looked at him. She felt bad in every possible way. "I am sorry Max."

He looked up and finally got up from the ground. "Don't be, I love you. I respect your decision, but you know that I would rather have you here" he kissed her on a forehead.

"I would rather be here too. It is just temporary, I promise" she smiled.

"I will fix the situation with sponsors no matter what and then you will return" Max said and picked up his broken phone.


Naomi entered the Ferrari motorhome. She didn't feel nervous at all, because her mind was somewhere else, she still thought about Max.

"Naomi?" Fred asked when he saw her.

"Yes, that is me" Naomi smiled.

"I am Fred Vasseur, but I guess you already know" he said and gave her a warm smile.

"Naomi?! What are you doing here?"  she heard behind her. She recognized the voice and turned around, it was Charles.

"Charles, perfecto. You know Naomi, she is a new admin of our socials" Fred said.

Charles seemed to not believe him. "You guys are funny, but these pranks don't work on me anymore."

"Oh, Mr. Vasseur is telling the truth. I quit in the Red Bull."

"Please call me Fred, Naomi" Fred said.

"Wait, wait, wait...Naomi?! You and Max? Did you-" Charles asked.

"No, we are still together, I will explain it to you later alright?" Naomi smiled at him.

"I will find someone who will show you around" Fred said.

"No, I will show her around, I am done with my work" Charles smiled.

"Fine, bring her to my office when you are done, so we can do the paperwork."

AN: This is the chapter what was supposed to be uploaded on Monday, but I didn't want to keep you all waiting so here it is 🤭 next chapter will be uploaded on Thursday (or sooner)

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