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Chapter 621 It’s time to come back

  Lian Zhi watched them walk out one after another, and shouted at them at the top of her voice,

  "Don't worry, everyone! Next year, whether you plant wheat, corn, or soybeans, I have enough seeds for you!

  Anyway, I still say the same thing. As long as the crops you plant are not good and the seedlings do not grow to your satisfaction, I will not charge you a penny. I will guarantee you a good harvest in advance!"

  “Okay, okay!”


  Everyone was very satisfied after hearing this, and they all went back happily after discussing it...

  They believed everything Lian Zhi said, especially after she became Muramasa, they didn't doubt a single word she said.

  Because they knew Lian Zhi would not lie to them, and they also knew that she was truly doing this for the good of the people in the village...

  By noon, the tofu had been basically pressed, but Lian Zhi wanted to eat it a little older, so he pressed it for nearly an hour longer.

  "Girl Zhi, is this tofu tender or old? What's the difference? Does it taste different?"

  Aunt Lian heard Lian Zhi say that there was no need to rush, as she would have to keep pressing the tofu for another hour if she wanted to eat it.

  I didn't understand the reason. I went to look at the tofu pressed under the wooden basin, and then came back and asked Lian Zhi in confusion,

  "If you press it harder, the water content will be less, so the tofu won't fall apart easily when you stir-fry it! If you press it shorter, it will be more tender, so you can use it to make soup, and it tastes great. Anyway, you can eat it either way!"


  Although Lian Zhi only explained two sentences, Aunt Lian understood that tofu is divided into tender and old. The tender one is used to make soup, and the old one will not fall apart when fried.

  "Auntie, do we have any meat at home?" Lian Zhi suddenly thought of something and asked Auntie Lian.

  "Yes! How do you want to eat? I'll make it for you tonight!"

  Ever since Lian Zhi became pregnant, the family has had no shortage of vegetables, fruits, meat or fish.

  Before Mu Yanchen left, he had told me to buy food for the family from time to time. And he didn't buy it every few days, but basically bought fresh food every day.

  Think about it, it has been nearly twenty days since Yanchen left, it is time for him to come back...

  "Tonight we will mince the meat and make fried tofu with minced meat. Let the whole family try it and see how the tofu we made today tastes!"

  "Okay, I'll do whatever you say. I've never done it before anyway! Just watch me do it."

  Aunt Lian knew that this was something Mu Yanchen had taught Lian Zhi specifically, so whatever she said must be correct...

  After pressing out a large piece of tofu, Lian Zhi did not plan to eat it all by herself. In addition to sending some to Fifth Grandfather's family and Lian Daguang's family,

  The rest was taken advantage of in the evening when the villagers were having dinner and chatting on the street, and Yu Dahua, Aunt Lian and others took the plates to the street and distributed them to everyone so that they could all taste it.

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