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Saanvi, on the other hand, was too stunned to speak. She just kept staring at the girl in front of her. She was broken out of her trance when she heard a good, long, sweet series of melodious 'apologies' and 'forget-it.' She herself couldn't believe if all of this was real or a fantasy. She asked Manjiri to repeat whatever she had said earlier. She pinched herself and yup she felt the pain. "Please, Manjiri, just repeat the last part," said Saanvi. "Umm... you didn't h-hear it. F-for-forget it, it was n-nothing," Manjiri said, flustered. "I heard each and every word clearly, Manju, I just want you to repeat it now, please for me," Saanvi said while advancing towards her. 

Manjiri was utterly flustered. Added to it Saanvi's reaction made her baffled as she had expected hatred, anger and disgust. She thought that Saanvi hadn't heard her. She was terrified when Saanvi asked her to repeat. She somehow replied while stuttering, "I, I, I s-said t-th-that I-I-I love you." She said it with her tightly shut. She opened her eyes when she heard laughter, and it felt so warm and alluring. She pretended to be angry and turned her back towards Saanvi. Suddenly Saanvi asks her, "May I embrace you, Manju?" And then Manjiri feels two arms firmly yet gently wrapped around herself. She feels so comfortable and complete in those arms, like they were just meant to be there, around her. The moment felt so unreal that she thought it was just a dream and didn't dare to open her eyes -afraid that it would all disappear and she'd be left with nothing but disappointment.

Saanvi embraced Manjiri and turned her around. That moment Saanvi noticed some sort of distress and anxiousness on her lover's face. She just calmly stayed in the embrace. Saanvi felt ethereal, it was almost as if years of her penance had bore fruit. She felt complete and content. Finally, the weird mix of jigsaw pieces were joining together perfectly. She was on cloud nine, she was exploding with happiness. Her love confessed to her. She felt as if she was surrounded by a warm blanket in the chilly nights, she felt like she was a candy floss. She was overjoyed and a small, genuine smile full of excitement and bliss appeared on her face.

Saanvi pulled away when she realised that the next day Manjiri would no longer be hers. She loved her with all of her heart, all she wanted was her love. It was like those romance movies which Saanvi had never believed in, she couldn't even think of living without Manjiri for two days, let alone the whole of her life. The fact that she'd have to part with Manjiri soon, made Saanvi weak, sad and dejected. She quickly covered up with a smile and asked Manjiri to join her at the coffee table.

Manjiri sat beside Saanvi at the coffee table. She noticed a takeout bag. She was exhilarated when she saw the pastries. She quickly took out a spoon and began eating both of them together. Saanvi smiled at her cute lover and said, "You just said that you love me, you won't share the pastries with me?" Manjiri spoke in a pout with her mouth stuffed, "You come after pastries in my list of priorities, yeah, so no pastry for you." Saanvi chuckled and took a sip of her coffee.

Suddenly Manjiri spoke up, "I said I love you, but you didn't say anything.....ugh leave it, what was I even thinking." "Manju, have you any idea that I've been in love with you for the past seven years? I just couldn't express myself, I was scared, I admit. Everytime I see you, you somehow manage to accelerate my heart, send a 1000 volts of electricity through me and at the same time pacify me. Being with you boosts my oxytocin and serotonin. I love every aspect of yours, your past included. I confess, Manjiri Diwekar, I love you a lot," said Saanvi, without taking her eyes off of Manjiri's face. "You see, that's why I love you and hate you as well. I was expecting a romantic proposal and here I had to listen to all the scientific terms from you," Manjiri said in a fake annoyed tone. "I guess I'm sorry, I just can't help it," Saanvi said and both of them laughed. "Here, for the day when we let go of all of our fears and restraints and confessed this blissful thing - love," Saanvi said while giving Manjiri a gift.

A/N : Yayy!! Now both of our leads have confessed their love to each other. What do you think about the marriage? Will Manjiri be Mrs. Raut or will she be a lover of Saanvi forever? 

Stay tuned. 🤗 

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