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It's Monday and like most students, our Saanvi hated them. She woke up very reluctantly at 5:00 am. Oh, how she hated those seven cruel hours of her life! But she braced herself to suffer because of those 30 weird people in her van and later because of 23 more people. How alluring her soft bed felt!

The moment she reached school, she began her countdown; Zero, English, Physics, Biology, Lunch, Maths, Chemistry and Healthcare. She quickly grabbed her stuff and ran out of the classroom, making a beeline towards the ground floor library without being seen. This zero period was one of the most ridiculous things ever and the class would be in chaos as all sorts of co-curricular activities would go on there. Library, well, it was a peaceful place as long as the librarian did not get frustrated by annoying creatures thronging up near the library. After that the bell rang at 7:50 am, marking the beginning of the English lecture. Alas! Poor Saanvi would again be tortured by hell lot of presentations and themes and other discussions for various prose and poems. She liked to read stories and even write them, but hated constructing long answers which somehow repeated the plot of the stories a number of times. She would often, dolefully, look out of the window and put together random words, which in turn transformed into something decent looking. Oh! The bell goes and enters their Physics teacher. She tries hard to focus on Electric Potential. V = -Kq/r . Next was Biology lecture in her schedule. After meticulously drawing the diagrams and labelling them, she felt at peace.

Finally, the bell rang and it was time to satiate her grumbling stomach.She was excited to open her lunch box and have yummy Gul poli which was packed in it. 

Once the bell rang Saanvi sighed to herself, "Only a few more hours, you can do this." Next was Maths lecture and she hated completing her notebook and solving sums, particularly those involving Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Next was Chemistry and Gibbs free energy was freeing itself from her mind. How she tried not to let her eyelids fall! Okay, now time for the last lecture of the day and it's Healthcare.  

Saanvi sighed, last hour before she can finally leave this place. She registered some people's faces as they entered the class. But she was struck when a particular cheerful face appeared. It was Manjiri from the adjacent class. Saanvi wondered how someone could stay so cheerful and happy even at the end of the day. She was lying on her desk. Manjiri sat on the desk in front of hers. Saanvi noticed a long, thick serpent of plaited hair falling on her desk.She had this strong urge to touch it, feel its softness. Saanvi liked long hair but hated when it came to herself, ugh, cleaning, oiling, combing and braiding,all of it was tiresome. She was taken out of her trance when she heard a sweet,cuckoo like voice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Manjiri kept repeating. Saanvi forgot the day's exhaustion that moment. She replied after Manjiri apologised for the fifth time, "Don't say sorry, your hair is pretty, really." Manjiri smiled and turned ahead. Unknowingly, Saanvi too smiled.

Oh, finally she was back! Saanvi relaxed as she sipped on her cold coffee. It was 3:30 in the afternoon. At 4:00 pm she'd torture her keyboard and monitor relentlessly and would continue so till 7:00 pm. She had her goals clear. She was adamant, determined and wanted to be independent. She sighed when she went back to bed at 11:30 pm. She turned on her sides and hugged her blanket tightly as she smiled remembering the girl with long hair, adorned with jasmine flowers. She then got lost in deep slumber only to wake up at 4:45 am.

A/N :

Hi readers! This was a boring chapter IK 😅. Is it terrible that the story is introduced with the setting of Monday and school? May I know how many of us don't like to get back on routine after a relaxed Sunday? As for me, I'm very much eager to live the times where I don't really have to be dreaded by the upcoming Mondays 🙄. Moreover, some terms used in the text will be mentioned below. 

If you find some errors, please suggest the corrections and I'll edit them right. This is my first time writing and I'm currently experimenting with the app's writing features. Please show your appreciations if you like this story 😊

And the picture above is an embryo sac present in flowering plants. This whole structure is present inside the ovule (future seed) which in turn is present in ovary (future fruit). 

As for Gul poli, it's just like a paratha but with jaggery as stuffing. It's crunchy on the outside and sweet melted jaggery, with a sort of roasted taste, oozes out once you take a bite. It's absolutely scrumptious. 

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