Strangers>fake lovers> lovers(4)

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Nicks pov:

I walk into the room hesitant to talk to him.
"We uh- probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed haha." I say to Charlie as he charges his phone next to his bed. He turns around to look at me. I see his curls all over his face from the dimly lit room.

"You can sleep wherever Nick! If your more comfortable in the sofa that's fine-"

"N-No, it's just that- you aren't uncomfortable from- well.. today?"

"You were asleep. don't worry I know you don't bite." He smiles slightly as I rub the back of my head.

"Plus- if we're gonna do this- 'fake dating' thing it might be better if we get closer..-emotionally I don't mean like- that close." He spews out the last words quickly as I laugh at him.

"I- oh god nevermind." He covers his face as I slowly sit down on the bed.

"Don't worry Charlie. I understand what you're trying to say." He takes his hands off his face slowly.


"I mean if it's fine with you, I'll sleep here" he nods at me and turns around to turn off the light.

"Night Nicholas" I feel goosebumps in my arms as he says my name. Why does it sound so right when he says it?

"Night Charlie."



"Babe come on, let's talk about it. Please" I put my phone down as I sigh. I carefully get out of the bed trying my best not to wake Charlie.

Should i?

I really shouldn't.

I hesitate grabbing my phone but I do. I walk to the living room while clicking on the notification.

"North camp park at 2. Please Nick"


I've noticed Charlie crying a lot over Ben. A lot. Whenever he thinks I'm sleeping he gets up and walks to the bathroom to cry. Or when I enter the bathroom and come out I see his red face-signaling he cried. I wish he felt comfortable enough to cry in front of me or to ask for help, I don't know just something. I feel useless not helping him.
I mean he's letting me live in his house for Christ sake.

On the other hand. I haven't cried a bit. I guess I was falling out of love way before this.I just- didn't feel a connection with Tristen as much lately.

Probably because he was off fucking another guy.

At least he's out of my hair now. I sigh again and go to the bathroom to fix myself up. I should make breakfast-though I'm not exactly sure what Charlie eats.

Or.. doesn't eat. Wow I guess I don't know him well enough. We definitely need to talk tonight to get closer. Just like he said. For the "fake lovers" thing. No ulterior motive whatsoever. Though- it would give me a chance to know more about him..and maybe- he'd like me as well-.

What. No I don't like Charlie. I can't like Charlie. If we're doing this "fake lovers" thing it has to stay fake. I splash my face with cold water, dry my face and walk to the kitchen to start cooking.


God this French toast smells delicious. Props to me honestly, didn't think it would look this good.


I look behind me to see Charlie. His face is covered by his messy curls, the sunlight from the windows hits his face perfectly to show his beautiful blue eyes. God they remind me so much of the ocean-

"Uh nick-I think something's burning."

"oh SHIT" I quickly turn back around to the stove and see my French toast burnt. Fuck. All that work for nothing. It smelled so good as well.

"Sorry I tried to make some breakfast for us" I say without turning around. I hear him sigh as he replies back.

"It's okay. Don't make anything for me, I'm not hungry." Without turning around I sigh and turn off the stove.

"I'll make you lunch then later" I turn around and smile at him. I can tell it's fake but he still plasters a smile on his face.

I can't help but worry. Why does he avoid eating at all costs?

I sit down with him in the sofa after I finish eating , he's watching a show on the tv. Should I tell him? Ive ignored Tristen's notifications after that.

"Im going to meet Tristen today." I blurt out quickly. Charlie immediately pauses the show and looks at me.


"Yeah- I don't know why I did it but- I did it. I'm going at 2" he stares at me dumbfounded.

"O-okay." He quickly turns back around and unpauses the show. Damn it.

I really wish I knew what he was thinking.

Charlie's pov:

What the hell is he thinking?? Does he want to get back together with him? How could he have the guts to see him after that. I'd rather burn my hand than voluntarily see Ben.

But hey it's his life. I just really hope he's fine. He hasn't cried- at all. Meanwhile I cry every chance I'm alone. I really hope he hasn't noticed because I hate showing my emotions to others. My emotions are mine. I like to keep it that way.

I guess I could go to the store while he's out. I do need extra toothpaste and stuff as well.



I fix my shirt, making sure to straighten it so it doesn't look crazy.

"Charlie! I'm going now" I step out my room to find Nick at the front door.

"Okay. Be safe. If you need anything you can call me." He nods as he walks out. I take a deep breathe before taking all of my stuff with me. Okay phone, cash, gum, keys.

Okay time to go..


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