"Stop saying sorry charlie."⛔️

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Sorry for the tardiness you guys gave me a lot of suggestions (which I love that you all did!!) so it might take a bit longer to write all of them.



"What if Nick struggles with his mental health and that makes Charlie relapse... idk?"


Charlie's pov:


Can I come over?
I'm feeling a little down.
*liked by charlie*

                                         Of course nick! Let me know    
                                              when your here. ❤️❤️❤️
Be there in 30


I look up from my phone and sigh. Nick has been sad lately. With his brother being a dick and all the exams- it's no wonder he's feeling anxious. I hate seeing him like this. I wonder though..

Is it my fault?

He wouldn't have to deal with his homophobic prick of a brother if he hadn't met me. And the only reason that he is struggling with the exams is because of David- and David is being harsh because of me and how I "turned his little brother gay" It's all my fault that he's struggling.

I get up and walk to my bathroom. I shouldn't do this.

It's been months. I can't. I shouldn't. It's fine he won't come for a few more minutes. I get out the blade. Looking at it as the light reflects off of it. Fuck I really shouldn't do this.

But it's all my fault he's in this much pain. I deserve it.

I roll my sleeves up. Slowly putting it on top of my skin. I slowly push it down and drag it. Tears spring to my eyes. The pain is so intense. Both mentally and physically. I haven't felt this way in such a long time.

I do it again a couple more times. I breathe faster as I notice the mess I made. I grab paper towels and start cleaning.

Short time skip

I open the door and find a sad nick staring at the floor. He looks up at me with teary eyes. I myself start to feel emotional so I bring him in, close the door, and hug him. He sniffles into my jumper as he looks up at me.


We walk upstairs and I close my door before sitting next to him in bed. He covers himself with the blanket and I do as well. I lay next to him as he hides his face in my sweater.

"What happened nick." I say while playing with his hair. I hear my sniffle again as he starts to talk.

"It's just that.. w-why is it so hard being myself." I start to tear up as he says that.

"I just want to be open without judgment.. but.. I can't. It's like everything I do doesn't matter just because I'm bi. It makes no sense. It's Bull shit." I sigh and he looks up at me.

"Of course my anxiety isn't helping. It feels like I can't breathe at times, it's just.. too much."
I start to silently cry as he looks guilty.

"Sorry." He says, I look at him confused.

"Don't apologize Nick. I wish I could help you. I really do. I'm sorry. It's all my fault." I say the last part quietly-glad I got it off my chest but slightly hoping he didn't hear. 

He perks up and sits up. I mirror his movements confused. "What's your fault?" He says while rubbing my hands.

"Nothing. I should be comforting you Nick not the other way around." He looks at me and licks his lip.

"Charlie.. what's going on?" I feel a tear roll down my face as I try to hide it. I look at the comforters in disbelief. Come on Charlie. He feels upset you should be comforting him.

"Char?" He picks my face up with his hand. His face is red and puffy as he looks at me.

"It's just that- I- well it's all my fault. You wouldn't be dealing with this if you never met me.. or.. if-" I struggle saying the last words. He looks at me scared of what I'm going to say.

"Or if- I was.. not here." He sighs as he brings me into a hug.

"I'm so so sorry. This is supposed to be your time to talk about you not me. I'm such a bad boyfriend."
He looks at me confused.

"Charlie. There's no such thing as 'my time' I care about you and you care about me." I feel so guilty now. He rubs my hands and hesitates before he opens his mouth.

"Did-did you.." I kiss him while tears roll down my face. He frowns into the kiss, I pull back and lay back down. He lays beside me and instead I hide my face into his chest.

"yeah." I say quietly as I look up.

He sighs and kisses me on the forehead before I go up to kiss him.


"Stop saying sorry Charlie." I hug him and play with his shirt.

"I really love you Nick. Everything will turn out okay. Some day everyone will just accept it and move on." I smile and he smiles back before kissing my cheek.

"I love you more char. I'm so glad you told me."

I sniffle and we both drift to sleep.



Omg I'm out of practice guys

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