"Charlie, stop."⛔️

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(Future, they live together)

Charlie's pov:

I walk to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush. I have had this headache since I woke up. I brush my teeth, making sure to brush absolutely everything. I rinse my mouth and walk out the bathroom.

11:32 am

I place my phone on the dresser as I get back in bed with Nick. His back is facing up, showing his muscles. How is he so muscular? (I mean I'm not complaining)
He hums as I place my hand on his hair, playing with it. He turns around as I face him, the left side of my face on the cold pillow.

"Mm, morning" he mumbles as he takes a deep breath, I feel his breath on my lip.

"Morning" I rub his cheek as he smiles softly. He opens his eyes and looks into mine. I smile softly, why does it take so much energy to smile?

"You 'Kay?" He says in his deep morning voice. I nod slightly, his hand goes to my cheek, he reaches up and places a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss him back, placing my hand on his hair. We share a passionate kiss before I break it with a giggle. I smile as he rubs my arm.

He smiles, "so, do you wanna make breakfast or should I?" I feel my smile fade slightly as I move and lay on my back. He noticed and sits up.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly, I sigh and smile softly.

"Nothing, I- uh- just remembered I have to take out the trash." I chuckle a little hoping he'd take the attention off food. It's been a difficult week. But I hid it well and Nick didn't know- I just have to keep it that way.

He stares at me, unsatisfied by my answer.

"I'll just make it, uh toast?" I sit up and nod. I place my feet into my sandals and start to walk to the kitchen.


Nick gives me my triangle cut up toast. I hesitate to eat it, but with Nick staring at me, I do. I take a small bite at the right corner and chew. I hear him softly sigh and he goes to the stove to make tea.

Nellie walks over to me and places her head on my lap.

"Who's a good girl Nellie. You are! Yes you are!" I talks in my baby voice as Nellie pants. Nick laughs as I smile.


I sit down with my laptop on my lap. I groan in frustration, i've been really stressed which is what has taken a toll on me.

"Charlie!" I hear nick call from the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I say back, thinking he needs something.

"Nothing but you sound stressed." I take a deep breath as he continues to talk.

"And you uh.." I hear the door open and turn around.

He walks out slowly,
"You only ate half a piece of toast this morning."

I sit down on the sofa staring into space. I would give anything to not feel like this. I don't feel real. All my thoughts are about food. Why can't I just eat. I feel
My eyes tear up. I blink them back and feel Nick plop on the seat next to me.

"You okay Charlie?" I look over at him. I don't want to cry right now. I go up to his face and kiss him. He hesitates before kissing me back. I go on top of him, sitting in his lap. I grab his face harshly as I feel him tense up.

"Charlie." He mumbles against my lips as I kiss him. My eyes start to tear up. I can really use a distraction. I don't want to feel like this.

"Charlie." I kiss his cheek, going down to his neck.

"Charlie, stop." He jerks me away. He takes my hands, holding them in his.

"Please nick." Tears start to roll down my eyes. I attempt to kiss his neck but he lets go of my hands and holds my face still.

"Charlie what's wrong?" I feel my eyebrows burrow as I try my best to not let any more tears fall out.

"Charlie you can talk to me."

I crumble at his words. I lay my head on his shoulder as I cry into his skin. He wraps his hands around my waist as I cry. His hand flies up to my head, playing with my hair.

"It's okay Charlie."

"I'm sorry.." I mumble as I sniffle. He rubs my back as he continues to play with my tangled curls.

"It's okay.. it's all okay.." he comforts me as I try my best to compose myself. I grab his shirt and fiddle with it as I cry silently.


"Im just having a bad week.." I sit on his lap, playing with my fingers.

"I know it's hard but I'm here for you Charlie. I love you so much." I look up and smile sadly at him as I hug him. He holds me close to him, making me able to feel his heartbeat.

"You just have to tell me, I need to know when you need help."

"Ok, I promise." I look in his eyes as he gives me his puppy face smile. I place a kiss on his cheek as he watches me.


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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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