One night stand⚠️

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(This Takes Place In The Future)
Nicks pov:

"Alright mate?" I look up to see Harry staring at me with a cup in his hand.

"Yeah." I sigh while looking around the club. Harry leaves to find the rest of the gang, they all chat together. The flashing rainbow lights illuminate the dance floor.

Harry and the lot dragged me to this club I didn't want to go to. They said it would "be fun".

I tap on my thigh and decide to get up from the booth. I walk closer to the dance floor, hearing the song "breakin dishes" by Rihanna play louder.

"Hey handsome" I turn around to see a girl-no older than me, with brown hair. The front pieces are dyed a white-ish color. Her leather dress sparkles under the lights.

"Uh, hi"

she giggles and twirls her hair with her fingers.

"I'm imogen, want to dance?" I open my mouth to respond, but I don't get a chance to, instead she grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor.

"O-alright" we stand in the outer part of the dance floor as she moves her head around to the beat of the music.

She grabs my hand and spins herself. I smile awkwardly as I put my hands in my jeans pockets.

"Charlie!!" I hear a voice in the distance laugh. I look up to see where the voice comes from.


I see him.

His dark brown curls bounce around his head. The flashing lights show a glimpse of his brown eyes. He's dressed in a tight blue dress shirt and black jeans. He moves his curls out his face as he notices me.

I quickly look away from embarrassment. God he probably thinks I'm a weird stalker.

I try to focus myself to the girl dancing in-front of me. Though I feel somebody staring at me so I look up. And there here he is, staring at me. He smiles once he notices I see him and I slightly smile back embarrassed.

I feel my face turn bright red and decide to leave in order to gather myself.

"I'm gonna grab a drink." I tell imogen, she smiles slightly and I hear her laugh as I walk away.

"Hi, virgin piña colada." I smile at the bartender and he nods.

I got stuck with the driving job tonight so no drinking for me. Though, some other of the boys haven't been drinking so they might drive instead.

I rest my hands on the table in front of me anxiously.

"I see you were, uh checking me out." I turn to my right and see his red flustered face beside me.

"Oh-uh- no I-" I start to panic and stutter over my words. Oh god, he does think I'm weird and a stalker? Ugh this is so embarrassing!

He smiles while he puts his hand on top of mine.

"I'm kidding. I'm Charlie, you?"

He brings out his hand to shake mine. I slowly being it up and shake his hand, softly but firm.

"Nicholas, well Nick." I laugh slightly as the bartender hands me my drink.

"Well, Nick want to come with me? I'm sitting with my friends-were just chatting." I look up and down and him taking in just how beautiful he was.

"Uh, sure I'd love to." I scratch the back of my head as I follow behind him with my drink In my hands. He's so-confident, and really beautiful. His eyes remind me of deers eyes. How can somebody be this perfect?

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