Strangers>fake lovers>lovers(5)

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Nicks pov:

"Hi." I look up and see Tristen. His hair is slicked
back he has some black cargos on, accompanied by a tight white shirt.

"Hello." I say back with no emotion. I don't know why I even agreed to come. What the hell am I supposed to say. He sits down next to me on the park bench. I stare at the trees, waiting for him to talk.

"Nick  I'm so so sorry. Please don't leave me I- I love you. I want you back. Please"

He reaches out and grabs my hand. I quickly pull away.

I stare at him in disbelief. No fucking way he just said that. Fresh air blows on my face, I see his hair get all frizzy and messy.

"What?" I say as he looks at me again, this times with tears in his eyes.

"Please I'll leave him." I scoff.

"So your with him? Wow okay."

"No I-well I-"

" don't bother Tristen. Either ways-"

I shouldn't say it. I really shouldn't.

"I'm with Charlie now."

His "sadness" immediately turns to anger.

"What?!With that fat whore?" What the fuck does he think he's saying about Charlie? I take a deep breath and try to take control of my emotions.

"Don't talk about him like that. You shouldn't worry either ways. You have ben. Right?" And with that I start to walk away.

But before I walk too far, I turn around and look at him. A hopeful smile appears on his face.

"Enjoy his leftovers."

"Nick! NICK!" I hear in the distance. That pesky son of a bitch.


Charlie's pov:

I roll the trolley over a bump. The whole cart shakes as I stop to get toothpaste. Okay let's see..

I usually use crest but I can always try the whitening toothpaste. Mm yeah I'll do that. I grab the toothpaste and read the ingredients before tossing it in the trolley.

I look up-

He makes eye contact with me as I quickly try to walk away.

"Charlie. CHARLIE"  his hand takes my cart, forcing it to stop moving.

"Leave me alone I'm going home." I try to move my cart but he keeps a sturdy grip.

"Charlie let's talk please."

"Let me go Ben."

"Charlie please."

"WHAT." I take a breath trying to remember that we're in a public space. I look around and find 2 women looking at us.

"What could you possibly need from me."

"Charlie please let me explain." I take a deep breath.

"It was a mistake Charlie. Please I want to come back home." He walks next to me and raises his hand to touch my face.

I quickly swat it away.

"What's your deal? I'm trying to be nice"

"Leave me alone. I thought you said nobody would want me."

"I could see I wasn't wrong." He snarls.

I suddenly get a wave of confidence. I shouldn't be scared, I have to show him that in no way, shape or form I'd let him hurt me.

"Nick would disagree." I say snarky back.  God it's so hot in this store, I just might pass out.

He scoffs at me while laughing.

"As if."

"He helps me in ways you never ever did. And he's kind, respectful, and much hotter than you ever were. Now let me go before I call for help." A vein in his forehead pops out.

I look down to see his arms in fists. I slowly back away with my cart.

God I can feel my heartbeat in my throat. Am I going to feel like this every time I see him? I hope I was believable.


I open the door and see Nick on the sofa with Lady. He looks up at me and smiles warmly.


"Hi" I walk over to the sofa and sit down with him. I let out a long sigh.

"How was it?" I move my curls out of the way. His eyes follow my hands. He's been awfully stare-y lately.

"Ugh. Horrible. He's with Ben. I mean can you believe it??" He shakes his head while speaking.

"There- together..?" I repeat back to him. I can feel my heartbeat back in my throat. I feel myself breathing faster than before.

"Charlie. Charlie listen to me Charlie." I look up to him with blurry eyes.

"Take a deep breath okay? Everything's going to be okay." I hated crying in front of ben. He always made me feel like an inconvenience, but with Nick.. I don't mind being vulnerable.

I go up to him and hug him. I don't know why I do this but I do. I wrap my hands around his neck as he wraps them around my waist. One of his hands rises up to my hair and plays with it.

"You're okay Charlie.. you're okay"


"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be all clingy and touchy." I immediately go back to where I was sitting, god why am I this clingy??

"Char, it's okay. Please don't apologize." I smile slightly at "char".

I look down at lady and see her comfy in her spot on the sofa.

" I saw him today. I uh- don't know if I shouldn't have but- I told him we're together." I look up and I see his eyes widen.

I start to get up. God why am I so stupid.
"I'm so sorr-"

"No- Charlie. I did as well." I start to sit back down as lady walks to me. I pet her as he starts to talk.

"He wanted me back. Like he genuinely thinks he has a chance to be with me again." I scoff and fix my hair again.

"Ben did the same." He stares at me as I look at lady.

"Is it bad I- want him to be jealous." I say quietly. I look up and he smiles, "not at all".

He takes his phone out and goes to the camera app. He takes a picture of us both smiling. He's really

He posts it on instagram with the caption,"xx". I smile at him and get up. I start to feel  really dizzy and  nearly fall. He immediately gets up and helps balance me.

"Woah, Charlie. Have you eaten today?" I close my eyes as the room spins. I hesitantly shake my head. I hear him sigh as I sit back down. He goes to the kitchen and brings me a fresh plate of food.

"I made it before you came. Told you I was gonna make you lunch." He smiles warmly as he passes me a utensil. I take small bites. I really shouldn't be eating.

"Charlie-" he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I know I might not know you all that well- but you can talk to me. A-about anything." I nod and smile.

"I know.. same goes to you okay?" He nods as he walks away to the bedroom. He looks back to me and enters the room.


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