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Started this a while ago but never finished it bc I hated it... but I feel bad so I finished it for y'all.
Hope you guys enjoy it. :)

(Takes place when they are older.)


I wake up with a heavy weight on my chest. I look down to see a sandy blonde on my chest. I rub my eyes, getting adjusted to the lighting. I slowly and gently get Nick off of me, he groans as I do.

I whisper slightly "sorry!"

He replies with a small groan and I slowly see him fall back asleep. I get up and stand as I take my phone.


I groan from pain, me and Nick had some fun
yesterday and now my leg aches a bit. I walk to the door, opening it and walking to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom, hearing metal rattle around the living room. The sound comes closer as I look to my side to see Nellie at the door.

"Good morning Nellie!" I say quietly trying to not wake up nick. I bend down and pet her as I turn around to wash my hands. I get my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth.


After hanging out in the living room watching tv, I hear rustling coming from the bedroom. Footsteps sound louder as the door opens-revealing a messy haired nick. He rubs his eye as he walks to me.

"Good morning Charles." He comes behind the sofa and kisses my neck. I giggle at the sensation as I feel him smile on my skin. He gets up and walks to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"What time is it?"


"Damn I slept good then." I snicker at his comment as I continue to watch the tv show on Netflix.

"Darling can you make us some tea please?"

"Of course!" I smile and happily get up from my seat. I turn on the stove and put the water to boil. As I do so, I feel a pair of hands on my waist, I feel nicks warmth behind me as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"mm" he gives me a small kiss on my neck as he wraps his hands around me. I hold his arms as he continues to leave small kisses around my neck. His arms move up and down, from my chest to my waist.


"Mm?" He stops giving me kisses and I turn around to look at him. His hands fall down to his side.

"Your so needy you giant." I turn around as he scoffs jokingly.

"Oh really??"

"Yes. I bet you you can't go 30 days without sex or anything."

"Is that a challenge?" He says starkly, I look back at him after turning off the stove.

"Y'know what? Yes it is. No sex. Including hand stuff. You won't survive nick just admit it."

"You're way too hot I can't not do anything with you. I mean, the longest we've gone without sex was like, a week!!"

"Fine. Just teenage makeout sessions, nothing more." A smirk appears on his face as he gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Hmm, alright, It's on springs."

I make the tea as nick goes to the sofa to cuddle with Nellie.


The whole day I do my best to make him lose. I bend over in front of him when I "accidentally" drop something, I moan and groan whenever I stretch, and I touch him on his chest and thigh. Watching his face as he tried his best to not touch me or anything made my day.

I do some chores as he sits on the sofa. Thinking of a new way to tease him I walk over to him. He's on his phone, legs resting on the ottoman that is almost as big as our dining table.

"Nick move your legs please, I need to pick up things from the ottoman." He looks up from his phone and moves his feet away. I smirk to myself as I get on all fours, arching my back so that he sees my behind. I "pick up" things from the ottoman, taking my sweet time.

I finally get up and turn around. Nick has a cheeky grin as I talk to him.

"Thanks babe." I continue to walk to the kitchen, but stop as he replies.

"I know you're doing this on purpose Charlie..." he says mockingly as I giggle.

"I know it's working Nick.." I reply back sarcastically as he chuckles to himself.

Making sure I have all that I need, I go to the bathroom and start to clean the tub.


I get into bed after brushing my teeth, Nick lays there staring at his phone. I make myself comfy as I put the covers over me and lay down.

"Goin to sleep?"

"Mhm, you?"

"Mmm yeah." He gets up to turn off the lights. We have a small nightlight attached to a plug, it helps us see at night and is especially very helpful when Nellie makes a mess or uses the bathroom. The small yellow nightlight slightly brightens the room, enough to see nicks outline.

He reaches in to kiss me as I hold his cheek. His breathing tickles my nose, as he continues to kiss me. My hands are on his neck, bringing him closer to
Me as he lays on top of me.

I kiss him, wanting more. His hands rub my chest, going under my shirt. He kisses my neck and jaw as i groan.


"Hm?" He kisses further down my neck as I push him away.

"Somebody forgot the challenge."

He scoffs and lays down dramatically.

"Ugh you were serious??"

"Yes Nicholas I was."

"Fuck, I got so horny as well." He whines like a child as I chuckle to myself.

"Good Night nick!"

"Hmmm, not good night." I hear his frown as I turn around to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Night love." He brings his arms and hugs me and my breathing gets slower. I close my eyes giving into sleep.

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