Strangers>fake lovers>lovers FINAL

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Nicks pov:

It's a been a while since the incident. 4 weeks to be exact. We have talked about it.. a lot. Charlie seems much more comfortable with me. His scars have healed and are slowly fading. He tries to hide it but I try to remind him that it's okay.

We also haven't kissed or done anything slightly intimate with each other. Though we definitely have had some moments

Sometimes I would wake up and find him looking at me, I would say good morning and we would look at eachother for a good few seconds. But then we would eventually get up and never discuss the moment between us, which killed me silently. I've become extremely comfortable with him and so has he. So this will finally be our first date.

Official first date.

It took such a long time because he has had busy work days and he was always tired. Though he decided to take a day off of his job for our date. I wanted everything to be perfect. We decided to do it in our- well his apartment. So he's out hanging with Tao as I prepare the apartment.

I flatten our the red tablecloth on the table. It slightly hangs over the table as I bring the candles in.

I carefully light each and every candle to get the perfect ambiance.
Coming home rn xx

I smile looking at my phone as I enter the room to change.


I hear a knock on the door and immediately perk up. I fix my dress shirt as I look back making sure everything was ready.

I open the door while slightly shaking, the street lights hit my face as I see him. His red blouse and white jeans snug his body.


"Hi" I say breathily while taking the view in, I see him blush before I begin to speak.

"Well don't just stand there, come in!"

Living with Charlie means I know a whole lot about him. Like his favorite (and comfort) food is Mac and cheese with toast. So of course I made it for him. He's opened up about his eating problems since the incident so, I've tried to be much more mindful since then.

"Woah. This is- amazing-nick." After searching the room he looks at me and gives me a soft genuine smile. I feel butterflies in my chest as I smile back and walk him to the table, I pull the chair back as he giggles and sits.

He takes the teddy bear that sits in front of him and puts him in his lap.

"Viola!" I say while taking the top off of the dish I made. I see him smile and open his mouth.

"Mac and cheese? With toast?" I start to worry, is this not what he wanted?

"I love it." The worried thoughts immediately disappear as I sit down in my chair and start to serve us. I feel his stare burn into me as I start to give him his utensils. I smooth the red table cloth over careful not to throw any of the decorations.

"I even came prepared with music!" I say happily while turning on the tv. I decide which song to play first and the song "dance with me" by beabadoobee plays. He smiles as I take my first bite. I eat slowly so he doesn't feel bad for eating slowly as well.

We talk about everything and anything. From his day with Tao to our "deepest darkest secrets"

"Noo!" He says as I start to laugh.

"There's no way you peed yourself in class!" He says shocked, I laugh as I start to get slightly embarrassed.

"What can I say, I'm a very hydrated man." He giggles as he takes another piece of toast. He's said before he hates people pointing out him eating more than he usually does, so I make sure to not stare at him or say anything. This is amazing though, 4 weeks ago he wouldn't eat all day unless I helped him- now though he grabbed 2 pieces of toast and even a bit more of Mac and cheese.

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