Chapter 48: Engagement Party?

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Date: Saturday 24th August, 2024

Nick’s POV

When I wake up and glance down at Charlie, who is using my chest as a pillow, I know I made the right decision to propose to him. And now, I want to scream our engagement out to the world.

As he begins to stir, I whisper into his ear “Morning, fiancé.” Saying that word makes me feel like electric.

“Morning, fiancé,” he whispers back, making me feel even more like electric.
As Charlie slowly starts to sit up, so do I, and I get out the ginger biscuits, which we both start to eat.

“I was wondering,” Charlie began to say, “Maybe we could have an engagement party, and announce the pregnancy there?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, especially as we can get everyone there and tell them all at the same time so there is no conflicts in who we tell first.”

After a moment of silence, I proceed to say “But I think we should do a social media post of our engagement, before sending out any invites or anything, so people know before and don't feel like they’ve been left out of an announcement.”

“Yeah, you're right.” Charlie says. “Maybe once we’re up and dressed and everything else, we do one then, maybe showing off our rings or something, and then we can send out the invites this evening.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” I say while getting up, “I’m going to go have a shower.”

Charlie’s POV

While Nick is gone for his shower, I start getting up properly. I would go and join him only I really don't feel up to it today, I just want a nice, relaxed day at home.

Once up, I get some clothes out, and begin to get dressed. However once I take my top off, I start admiring my baby bump in the mirror. I can’t believe I'm growing a human, possibly 2, inside of me.

I end up standing here longer than I realised, as Nick eventually comes in, with a towel round his waist, and hugs me from behind, admiring the bump as well. We stand there for another 5 minutes, before getting dressed and going downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast we go into the living room to start planning the engagement party.
“So, when do we want to do it?” Nick asks as we sit down.

“Well, the day after I hit 12 weeks, we have an ultra sound appointment in the morning, so how about that afternoon. That way we’ve waited until 12 weeks, and we’ll have a sonogram to show people.”

“That’s a good idea. And I think, to save money, we should ask mum if we can do it here. We’ll have to wait for her to get home from work to ask her, before sending out the invites, but I think she’ll let us.”

We spend the rest of the morning talking about it and after lunch we make a post showing off our engagement. We then decide to not look at our phones for an hour, then check in and see comments etc. later. We then continue to discuss it, deciding on some of the smaller details, until Sarah gets back and we have the whole thing planned out.

When she gets back, we all have dinner as its 20:30, so it’s late, before presenting our plans to her to see if she agrees.

As expected, she does so we send out the invites to everyone. I convinced Nick to invite David because it’s hard to give someone a second chance if there not around. But Nick also convinces me to invite my dad and the rest of my family to give them their second chance as well. And if any of the people on their second chance mess it up, then they’re not invited to the wedding.

Nick’s POV

About an hour after we’ve sent the invites out, we’ve had about half the replies, all of which saying yes.

But I also got a second message from David asking if he can bring his girlfriend. My first instinct is to say no, as usually they’re bigger idiots than him, but as I'm giving him a second chance I should give his girlfriend one too so I end up saying yes. But then I wonder if I should have spoken to Charlie about it, so decide to go tell him now, as it’s not too late to change my mind.

When I tell Charlie about it he seems almost happy that David asked if he could bring her, and that I said yes. When I ask him why, he just says that he’s glad that I'm giving him a second chance, and I just decide to leave it, knowing I’ll probably find out why on the day.

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