Chapter 49: You're Pregnant?

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Date: Sunday 25th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

When I wake up, Nick is somehow still asleep, so I slowly sit up, get out my ginger biscuits and start thinking everything through.

While doing so, I start to panic slightly about Nicks intentions of marrying me. I don't want to marry him because of the pregnancy, and I don't want him to marry me for the same reasons.

I want to marry him, because I want to spend the rest of my life with him, not because I have to. And I want him to have similar reasons.

Nick then starts stirring, and when he realises that I'm already sat up, he quickly sits up and joins me.

“You were up before me? I cant remember the last time that happened.” He says, jokingly.

“Ha ha ha,” I say, very dryly, then slightly seriously, I say “Nick, why did you say yes to marrying me?”

“Why are you asking that for?” he asks back, with slight concern in his voice.

“Just answer the question,” I say, seeing the look of concern on his face, “Please it’s important.”

“Ok, well, I said yes because you’re smart, funny, beautiful – all the standard stuff – but also because of you’re endless capability to care. You care for me whenever I'm struggling, you care for you’re family whenever they’re struggling and you care for our friends when they’re struggling. In short you’re ability to care, means that I know I can always rely on you, and it also means I can be there to care for you in return.”

When Nick finishes, I feel slightly more reassured, but just to check I ask “So, it’s not because of the pregnancy then?”

“No, well yes – a little bit – but it’s more than that, it’s because I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” He says, followed by a jokingly, “Till death do us part.” Which we both laugh at slightly, before he says “I love you, Charlie Spring, and I don't want to ever lose you.”

“I love you too,” I say more reassured that we’re both in it for the right reasons, “Oh and same, I don't want to ever lose you.”
When the discussion ends, we sit in comfortable silence, with me in Nicks arms.

After about 10 minutes of cuddling, we have to get up as Tori, Ollie and Michael are due to be here in about an hour and a half.

We take turns going to go and have a shower – mostly to save time as we don't have time to get distracted – and I go first. When I get back, Nick goes to have his shower, and I get dressed. It’s supposed to be reasonably hot today so I put on a T-shirt and a pair of my denim shorts, then go to the mirror to do my hair.

When I see myself in the mirror, I notice my bump is slightly visible due to the tightness of the top, but I brush it off considering it’s just my siblings and Michael, and continue doing my hair.

When Nick comes back in, he quickly gets dressed, then comes and hugs me from behind, holding onto the bump like he’s never going to let it go.

“They’re getting big, aren’t they?” he says.

“Yes, they’re going to be tall and strong just like they’re dad.” I say back to him, which he seems to really like, then I realise it’s the first time we’ve referred to him as a dad, so I understand it.

“And they’re going to be smart and beautiful, just like they’re other dad.” He says back, making me also happy with the ‘d’ word. It really does have magic powers to brainwash people into thinking it’s amazing, when really it’s just a word.

Shortly after, we go downstairs and have breakfast, which Nick cooks for the both of us, then Nick goes back into the kitchen to start making lunch – homemade soup. I soon follow, and sit at the breakfast bar watching him cook.

Due to lack of time, I end up chopping up vegetables – while sitting down so Nick will actually allow me to help – and Nick starts the actual cooking process.

While Nick is just finishing up, the doorbell rings, so I go to answer it, knowing it’s Tori, Ollie and Michael.

When I open the door, Ollie is standing there, and Tori and Michael are walking down the driveway – Ollie clearly got out very quickly.

When he sees me he makes a very confused expression, which makes me confused.

“You’re pregnant?” he asks.

Shit, I think to myself, how could I forget I haven’t told Ollie yet.

“Yes, sorry I haven’t told you, it’s just been a bit all over the place the last month, hasn’t it? And when I told Tori and Michael you were still at mum and dads and I didn’t want them finding out, so I never told you. Then, when you left, you had the court case, so I didn’t want to burden you then and then we were on holiday, so basically I'm really sorry it’s taken this long to tell you – but I am only 10 weeks along so you haven’t missed much, I just have a really big bump.” I quickly rant while leading them into the living room.

“Charlie, it’s ok, I get it.” He says, while we sit down. “Is that why you and Nick got engaged?” he asks.

“No, well it’s not the only reason,” I answer while fiddling with my ring, which he seems satisfied with.

We continue to talk, then Nick comes in and offers everyone drinks, which he then goes to get, before coming back in and sitting down.

When it’s almost time for lunch, we go into the kitchen, and everyone helps set the table while Nick dishes up. once we’re all (except Nick) sat down, Nick brings everyone a bowl of soup, and puts a basket of bread in the centre of the table.

As we all start eating, silence begins to emerge until the only thing you can hear is the sound of spoons scraping along the bottom of the bowls.

When we’ve finished eating everyone thanks Nick for the meal, and once the table has been cleared and everything has been put in the dishwasher or has been washed up, we retreat to the living room to continue our conversations.

When half 3 rolls around, we all agree to go on a walk in the woods, to get some exercise.

As usual, we end up walking in 2 groups, Nick and Ollie and myself, Tori and Michael.

I end up asking Tori and Michael how Ollie has been doing as I don't want to do it with him around to make sure he doesn’t get uncomfortable, and I assume Nick and Ollie are talking about… actually I have no idea what they could be talking about, as it could be literally anything.

Ollie’s POV

While on the walk, I thank Nick for telling the police about my mum and everything and I tell him what’s happened since. Tori and Michael got parental rights, I'm in therapy, the injuries are healing and I’m just in a better state, mentally and physically.

When we get back, we all go back into the living room, and Nick and Charlie lay out crisps and dip as we’re having dinner when Sarah gets back which isn’t until late, as she’s a paediatric nurse doing 12 hour shifts.

At 20:00, half an hour before Sarah is due home from work, Nick goes into the kitchen to go make dinner, and I end up going in to help him.

When Sarah gets home we all say hello, then we regroup in the kitchen and start laying the table for dinner, as it is due to be ready in a few minutes.

During dinner, Sarah asks us about our day, which I tell her about, then discussion continues on other subjects as well.

Once we’ve all finished, me, Tori and Michael go back home, so everyone quickly says goodbye, then we leave. Today has been a good day.

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