Proof and I?

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Yesterday night I had a fight with Marshall again. He end up sleeping on the couch.
Well if he's going to keep being like this then he can kiss my ass but he won't sleep in the same bed with me.

"My back is killing me." He said
"Poor baby."
"You know, if you'll just let me sleep in bed tonight this wouldn't get worser."
"Over my dead body. You wanna sleep in this room then you sleep on the couch." I said
"You so fuc-"
"Fucking what? You can go sleep in the room with the others tonight if you don't like it. Be happy with what you have." I said
"I'll sure be.." he mumbled something

As Marshall and I left the hotel room Proof also was waiting for the elevator.
I don't want them to fight because of me. Proof is like my older brother.
Marshall just needs to understand that.
As the elevator came Proof didn't step in.

"What you waiting for?" I asked him
"You two go. I'll take the next one."
I looked at him and grabbed him from his hand.
"You two need to talk to each other. I'm not in love with him. He's not in love with me." I said to Marshall
"He's a dump fuck that got jealous for no reason. He knows you'll never do this kind of stuff and he's sorry because he reacted like that." I said to Proof

"You need to get your jealousy in check dawg. I'm not mad but don't think like that ever again." Proof said
"I know man, I'm sorry it was dump from me. Forgive me."
"You good man. Don't worry about it." Proof and Marshall hugged each other

"Good. Now you can sleep in his room."
"No I'm not."
"What did you do?"
"I had to sleep on the couch. Because her broken ass is mad with me." Marshall said
"Well I got a re- holy shit." I said once i stepped out of the elevator

"What?" Marshall looked at me
"I- i wasn't afraid in the elevator. I didn't closed my eyes Marshall." I said smiling
"Damn. Come here, see i told you can do this." Marshall hugged me
"You did good girl." Proof also hugged me

"Where are the others?" I asked Paul when he came downstairs
"They will be down in a minute." He said as he handed me Dj
"Hi buddy, how are you." I kissed Dj
"Gabs. I think we have a problem." Big Naz said

He handed me a magazine with a picture of me and Proof as we went to the club.
Unfortunately the picture just shows me and Proof and not the others too.
Proof is holding the door for me in the picture and once i get out there is a picture where he touched my waist.
But in reality he didn't even touched my waist the way it shows on picture.

"𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩?"

The article Titel.

"What the fuck is wrong with them?" I yelled "he didn't even touched me the way it showed on picture." I said
"We'll talk later to Robert to see what we can do." Paul said
"He's in holiday. I won't destroy his entire fun with my bullshit. Forget about it. Let them talk and take pictures once im back in USA i know what im going to do." I said as i walked to the bus

Why the fuck would they say something like that?
It's not that is something very bad but it's not true what they say.
If i would be about Marshall and I well then I won't have a problem with it because between us is something.
But between Proof and I is nothing more then friendship.

"Don't think to much about it gabs. Fuck them, they should say what they want. We know that shit ain't true." Proof said to me
"I know, but it pisses me off. I can't even go out somewhere because immediately they will find something to take pictures from. Like how they did with us two." I said
"I know. I know it's bas but what can we do? We can just say the truth and that's it." Proof said
"Yeah, you right. Fuck them." I said
"Good, now put a smile on that face."

Marshall Pov:
I see the way the look at each other.
And to be honest it makes me angry but Proof is a good man. I know if I won't be around he'll be there for her.
I just need to think that there is something between them when there is nothing.

I guess my self confidence gets worser and worser.
I like Gabi, i like her so fucking much.
Even when I'm fighting with her It makes me to want her more and more.
But I know I could never make her happy.
I can't break her heart and pretend that everything is fine.

I need to get my shit together.
If I want something with her I need to do it right.
Her crazy ass will kill me if I do something behind her back.
And she's right. She's not like those other girls that you can to talk to the way you want.
I can see she haves her limits and I like that.
She knows what she wants, she's intelligent.
For 18 years old she's more mature then some at 25.

"You aight man?" Proof asked
"When I'm not around. You take care of her aight man." I said to him
"You high or something?"

"I mean it dawg. I need to get my shit together if I want something with her. I like her if i could stay in the same room with her the entire time I would. She fucking makes me to want her more even when we fight about dumb shit." I said looking at Gabi to make sure she doesn't hear me

"I know I'll get out of hand sometimes. And I trust all of you, but i see how she looks at you. She trusts you a lot. Whenever something happens be there for her aight man?" I said

"Aight dawg, I'll take care of her no matter what." Proof said

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