Dead to me

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Later that night after we finished our practice, Channing, Mario and I went to eat something. The dancers and Damaine were to tired so they went back to the hotel.

"So tell us.. how did you and rap boy meet?" Mario asked
"Oh god.. do you really wanna ruin this right now?" I said continued to eat my burrito
"Yo I'm just saying. The men went crazy over nothing." Mario said
"That's what he always do." I said "now shut up and eat."
"But are you two some-" Mario started to talk again
"Oh my god yo. Shut the hell up. She said she doesn't want to talk about it." Channing threw some salat on him

"You two need to stop throwing things on me. It's fucking PISSES ME OFF YO!" Mario said continued to eat
Channing and I laughed our asses.

Almost two hours later Mario, Channing and I were still in the city.
"Should we go clubbing?" Mario looked at me and Channing
"I mean.. I have nothing against it. I just don't wear the right stuff for clubbing." I said
"Oh shut up. Get in." Channing grabbed my arm and all of us walked in the club.

"Damn mamma. You look smoking hot." Mario compliments a girl and went directly after her
"What you wanna drink?" Channing asked me
"Some tequila will be good." I said
"Damn." He looked at me and then talked to the bartender
We took our drinks and went to sit down.

"So how do you like it so far? I mean you never shoot any movie before right?"
"True. I really like it, and thanks to you and the others I felt really welcomed and comfortable."
"That's how I needs to be. I'm glad and honored to make this movie with you. They actually wanted me to do this movie with Jenna Dewan but I thought why not giving this emo girl a chance." He said

"Call me emo again and I'll fucking break your nose."
"Sure you will." He laughed

See if Channing will be on of those play boys he'll immediately try to flirt with me. But he doesn't, he keeps his distance he doesn't even ask me about guys or anything that haves to do with sex or love.
He's just so chill, and we have kinda a lot of things in common.

The rest of the night we spend it in the club talking about the most non important rumors we heard about some celebrities.
We made a fool of ourselves in that club as we started to dance around.
People will just leave whenever we'll start dancing.

Suddenly I see Channing acting a little weird.
He took me back to the dance floor and started to dance with me in only one direction. Just like he'll hide something from me.
"What's wrong with you?" I said
"Nothing. I just wanted to dance again. You got some pretty good moves." He said taking my hand and spins me around
"What are you hiding Chan.."
"Hiding? Pff.. I'm not hiding anything. I just don't want you to get hurt."
"Hurt? Why would I get hurt?" I looked confused at him
"There are a lot of people here. You can never know who wants to hurt you." He said
"Nah.. come on let's go back to the hotel." I said trying to walk back to the table
"Op oh oh. Not so fast fairytale. One more dance. Come on." He said blocking my way
"Channing get out of my way and let's-"  I pushed him of side but he didn't moved on propose.
As I pushed him he just moved a little without to realize that now I can see why he was blocking my way to not go back to the table.

Marshall was sitting on this table with two blondes in his arms. With the one he makes out and the other is kissing his neck.
The D12 guys is with him to.
50 and G-unit is also here, but they don't have no girls around them.

I looked for a second at Channing and he then took my hand.
"Come on Gabi. Don't let this punk ruin you." He said as I started to cry
"Wait here okay.." I said to Channing
"Gabi.." he yelled after me

I walked to where Marshall was sitting on his table and threw the water on him.
"What the fuck yo!" He yells until he saw it was me
"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?" This bitch that was kissing him said
I punched her in her face.
"Gabi! It's not like that baby. I swear I was just angry because I thought you like that motherfuc-" he said but I also punched him

"Yo! What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yells
Proof and the others didn't try to stop me.
"This time your dead to me Marshall. I fucking mean it." I said and walked back to Channing that was waiting for me

"Damn that was a good punch." He said laughing to himself
"Come on Chan.. before I don't punch you too." I said to him and we walked out of the club
"Yo! Wait up man! What about me?" Mario ran after us "yo girl.. that punch was amazing." Mario said and threw his hand over my shoulder
"Don't touch me loser." I joked with him

"Aww.. look at her she smiles again." Mario said "what did you do man?" He slaps Channings chest as he said
"She did it all herself." Channing smiled at me

As we got back to the hotel Mario went to his room and Channing came with me upstairs.
"Yo about what happened.. I'm sorry you had to see that." He said that but I just started to cry and hugged him
"Thank you for being so good to me. I actually thought the entire night that you'll try to flirt with me. But you didn't. I'm really happy that I got to meet you." I said still hugging him

"Whenever you need someone to talk I'm here. I went through the same shit. I get it how it is. Now come on get some sleep." He kissed my forehead and I opened the room
"Good night Chan.." I said
"Good night Ketchup." He said and walked to the elevator

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