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„Where is she?" Alice asked
„In her mothers room. She won't open the door." I said to her
„Alright. Listen, y'all go back do whatever you gotta do. I'll stay here with her."
"I don't want to leave her alone."
"Marshall.. I know you don't want to. But I think you should just give her some time. I'll call you once she feels better."

I nodded my head and got in the car with the others.
Gabi is here since yesterday night. She locked herself in her moms room and won't come out of there.
She won't talk to me, she won't even respond to me.
So I had to call Alice.

I know she's hurt, and also mad because I lied to her. But I'm fucking worried.
She just left yesterday and didn't say nothing.
I don't want her to hurt herself or to do some dumb mistakes.
I promised her mother that I'll forever protect, love and respect her.
I won't give her up ever again.

Alice Pov:
Now that Gabis Mother passed away, I don't even wanna imagine how she feels.
I know this was the one thing she was afraid of.
And exactly this happened.
But what can I say, no one lives forever.
I'll try my best to be here for her.

I walked upstairs to her mother room and knocked on the door "Gabs.. come on baby girl open up please." I said "Gabi.. I swear is just me here. Please just open the door." I put my ear on the door, maybe I could hear something.

"Gabi I swear to god I'll kick this door down if you don't open." I almost yelled
I hear the door lock opening. She opens the door and looks behind me. Her eyes are red.

Marshall Pov:
What the fuck am I doing? I need to be there for her.
I can't just fucking leave her alone right now. She may be angry on me but fuck that.
"Yo go back to Gabbriettes house." I said
"What's wrong Marshall?" Paul looked at me
"She's my fiancé. I can't leave her alone right now. Y'all can go back to the hotel."
"Nah man, Gabi is our girl too. If you stay we stay with you. You are right we can't leave her alone right now." Swift said

Alice Pov:
Her eyes are red. "Oh Sweetheart, come here." I opened my arms and she started to cry harder as she hugged me
"It's okay baby, let it all out. I'm here for you." I kissed her forehead.
She takes a step back from me and walks to her mother bed.
"She.. she left this behind." She said crying as she handed me a letter.

"I.. I read all of it. But still I don't feel close enough to her. Wha-what am I going to do without her? I can't stay here and live my life when my mother is dead. This is not fair." She continued to cry

"Hey, look at me. Everyone dies. We're going to die one day too. Where she is right now she found her peace. Imagine she'll hear you talking like this. She didn't raised you like this. You are much stronger." I looked in her eyes "I know it hurts now. And I'll be here for you as long you want me to, but babes.. you ain't going to give up your life. You understand me?" I grabbed her shoulder

Marshall Pov:
"I know it hurts now. And I'll be here for you as long you want me to, but babes.. you ain't going to give up your life. You understand me?" I hear Alice saying to Gabi
We all now tried to walk back downstairs without to make any noise.

She wanted to kill herself?
What is she thinking?
I mean.. I fucking get it that it hurts but I'm more then 100% sure that her mother wouldn't want her to give up her life now.
And what the fuck am I going to do without her?
I'm going to fucking die if something will happen to her.
She's my fucking soulmate, my wife.

It fucking hurts me to see her like this.
I wish I could just hug her and be there for her. But she won't let me.

Alice Pov:
"You understand me?" I grabbed her shoulder
"Bu-" she tried to speak up
I take a Deep breath and looked her in the eyes "Did you worked for all of this." I throw the magazine with her on the bed that her mother had "so you can give up now? You worked so hard to be where you are right now Gabi. Everyone fucking loves your music and YOU! You are going to live and make your mother and us all proud. I don't want you ever to think like this." I said with tears in my eyes

"You are right.. but it's so hurtful. I never thought this was going to happen. She had one job, and that was to tell me. And I'll found her the best doctor and take care of her, but she just chose to die. And left me behind.. I don't even know how to react. I'm so angry but so sad at the same time. And.. Marshall.. I treated him so bad yesterday and today, when all he wanted was to be here for me.
I'm a fucking mess."

"Baby your not a mess. That man loves you, and he'll always be with you. He called me because he didn't knew what else to do so he could get you out of here. That's why I'm saying, you've got a life in front of you. Your going to get married soon and have babies. You and Marshall. For the first time is going to be just you and him. Both of you deserves to be happy baby. Trust me your mother will be so proud of you."

She looks at me and stops crying "you're right. I know.. it take sometime for me to accept the fact that she's not here anymore but I won't give up to make her proud. I'll have a beautiful family, and I'll be the best mother ever. Just like she taught me." She smiled as she looked at her mother picture

"That's right baby. We're all here for you Gabi I promise you. We're always going to have your back no matter what. Now come on that mother fucker is worried as fuck." I took her arms and walked with her outside the room

She looks back at her moms room, and then looks back at me.
"Thank you." She said as she hugs me
"I love you Gabi don't forget that."
"I love you too." She kisses my cheek

"Yo where is my kiss?" Marshall said with his arms open waiting for Gabi to hug him

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