Birthday pt2

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The party was going great.
We all ate some cake, and I really tried to talk to everyone that was here.
The entire night I could see that Marshall was not here.
It was kinda stupid from me to think he'll come to my birthday.

I'm on my way to the bathroom.
Until I felt someone's hands on my shoulder.
"Marshall?" I smiled
"Hey.." he said
"You came?"
"I was here the entire night." He said
"Where? Nah you can't be for real?" I said
"I was here the entire night Gabs. You just didn't saw me."
"But why didn't you came to talk to me?"
"You were to busy to talk to Dmx." He said

"Nah don't worry. I'm not here to fight. I get it, you're a beautiful woman, of course he'll want to be close to you."
"He's just a friend, don't worry about it."
"Happy Birthday Gabs.." he looked into my eyes
"Thank you.." I smiled
"Can I.. hug you?"
"Of course." I opened my arms and hugged him

"Would you come with me after the party to my hotel room?"
"Gabi please Listen to me. I know I'm a asshole. And I'm not even gonna start with the same speech and all that. I'm not going to ruin this night for you. All I'm asking for you to come with me after this party." He says as he still holds me in this arms "I'm going crazy without you Gabi. The girls are asking everyday about you. And I need you baby. Just please come with me after the party." He said and lets go of me

"I.. I don't know Marshall. I know how all of this is going to work and how is going to end." I said looking down at my feets
"I'll think about it and I'll let you know at the end of the night." I said
"Aight.." he said with a sad expression on his face

I don't want to be mean or something. I just really know how all of this is going to end.
He'll apologize, promising that it will never happen again. And then he's doing the same shit.
All I can do is to give him a chance to explain himself but more then that I can't.
I really need to think very good about it if I really want to get back with him or not.

Marshall's Pov:
Seeing her the entire night talking with Dmx it made me go crazy.
That fucker didn't let go of her once.
He was always trying to get closer to her or to even touch her waist.
It really surprised me that Gabi didn't allowed him to touch her like that.
I'm really proud to see that she doesn't allow others man's to get that close to her.

But still it makes me angry just to see how many man's in this room had their eyes on her like she's a jackpot.

But I get it man, just the way I told Gabi. She's a beautiful woman, of course they will want to be around her.
Funny is that Gabi doesn't even look at them the way she looks at me.
And I can see that.
She knows her worth and that makes me to love her more.

She could allow Dmx to touch her and to get closer to her but she always kept her distance from him.
And that makes me so fucking happy to see that she's like this.
I'm just a fucking asshole that doesn't deserve her.
I should love her and give her the love and respect she needs.
But I fucked up, again.

Gabbriettes Pov:
The guest was making their way home.
It's 5 in the morning and I swear to god I never thought I'll celebrate my birthday this long.
Everyone left expect Dmx, Dre and the others.

Why Dmx is still here I don't know.
I just hope he didn't got some mixed signals because that's not what I want.
The entire night he tried to flirt with me and get closer to me.
But I kept my distance.
I even told him that I'm seeing someone so he'll not flirt with me.
He stopped flirting but he'll still try to make body contact with me.

I mean don't get me wrong, dmx is a nice guy.
He really is.. he just maybe drank to much and maybe that's why he acted like this.
Because usually he's most a goofball when he's with me and not like this.

"Yo Gabi you coming with us?" Proof asks
"Yeah.." I said
"Aight we wait in the car." Proof said and took Alice by her hand and walked with the others to the car

"So this is it huh?" X looked into my eyes
"Yeah.." I said
"I had fun tonight Gabs. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just really like you. But unfortunately you see someone." He said
"You didn't made me feel uncomfortable X. Thank you for coming, I really had a lot of fun." I said

"If that guy doesn't make you happy Gabs.. I'll handle him with my own hands." He looked at Marshall that was standing outside the car watching us talking
"Don't worry about it. You take care."
"Aight Cutie, call me whenever you need my help. And remem-"
"Yeah yeah I know. Now get your ass home. Get some rest." I hugged him
"Love ya girl.. take good care." He hugged me back and kissed my cheeck

"Yo you take good care of her. Aight dawg." X said to Marshall as he walked past him to his friends car
Damn, now let's see how this is going to end up between me and Marshall.

"What was that?" Swift looked confused
"He was drunk but tried to make sure that Marshall won't hurt me." I said
"You told him?" Marshall asked
"Nah, he noticed all alone."
"Well at least he won't put his hands around you anymore."
"Don't even start Marshall. Just because I'm here that doesn't we back together." I said
"Aight.. we'll talk when we arrive at the hotel."

As we arrived at the hotel, the others went to their rooms.
And I went to Marshall's room.
"You have some short pants or a t-shit?" I asked
"Here.." he gave me one of his shirt
"I'll sleep on the couch."
"Nah fuck no. You'll sleep in bed."
"What did you wanted to talk about?"

"What about us?" He looks in my eyes
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean Gabi. Are we really over?"
"As long you can't keep your hands and your dick to yourself. Yes we are. I'm not going to be together with a men that cheats on me."
"Gabi.. pleas-"

"Marshall, your not ready for a serious relationship. You just think you are but you aren't. Stop lying to yourself."
"I'm not Gabi. I Swear to god I want a serious relationship with you. Just please give me one more chance."
"You need to win my trust Marshall. If I can trust you not just as a boyfriend but also as a friend then I'll give you a other chance. Until then we don't get back together."

"I'll do whatever you want."
"I want to trust you. If we going to be together we need to trust each other. And since I'm not the one that cheated you just need to make me trust you again." I said going to the bathroom

I want so bad to just say yes to him and get back together.
But I won't. I want him to prove me that he really wants this.
If he can show me that then I'll give him a last chance.
If not, then he can spend his life fucking groupies but I'm definitely not going to be a part of his life.

After I changed my clothes I went on the couch.
"Gabi come in bed."
"I'm all good here Marshall. Good night."
"Gabi." He came in the living room
"Marshall please."
He looked at me and didn't say anything for a second.
"I need you tonight to sleep next to me. Since you left I haven't slept in our bedroom. I've slept in the guest room because that's the room that smells so bad like you. Please just sleep next to me." He said "here take those pants on you. I swear to god I won't try anything. I just want you next to me. At least tonight.." he said

"Fine then." I walked to the room
"Thank you Gabs." He said and lays down next to me
"Good Night Marshall."
"Good Night Baby." He said

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