Behind The Scene

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The sun had barely risen when the alarm on Iman's phone rang, rousing him from his sleep. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the dorm room. Despite the comfort of his bed and the lingering drowsiness, Iman knew that another day of hard work awaited him. He stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and slowly sat up.

As he glanced around the room, he noticed that the noonas were already up and about. He could hear the faint sound of water running in the bathroom and the clatter of dishes from the kitchen. There was a comforting familiarity to the routine they were establishing, one that Iman was beginning to cherish.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, making his way to the small mirror on the wall. His reflection stared back at him, the dark circles under his eyes a reminder of how little sleep he had gotten. But there was also a spark of determination in his gaze, a drive that had been ignited by the support and belief of his noonas.

Iman quickly freshened up, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He changed into his training clothes—a simple outfit consisting of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. The company had provided him with a wardrobe, but Iman preferred to keep things simple and comfortable, especially during these intense training sessions.

When he stepped out of his room, the smell of breakfast greeted him, making his stomach rumble. He followed the scent to the kitchen, where he found Yoohyeon-noona and Handong-noona busy preparing a meal.

Yoohyeon: Morning, Iman-ah! Did you sleep well?

Iman smiled and nodded, grateful for their thoughtfulness.

Iman: Morning, noonas. I did, thank you. What's for breakfast?

Handong: We're making a simple one today—rice, kimchi, and some scrambled eggs. We need to keep our energy up for practice later.

Iman helped set the table while the noonas finished cooking. It was a small but cozy kitchen, with just enough space for a few people to move around comfortably. As they worked together, Iman found himself reflecting on how far he had come in such a short amount of time.

When breakfast was ready, the other members joined them at the table. It was a quiet, peaceful meal, with the only sounds being the clinking of chopsticks and the occasional murmur of conversation. Iman was still getting used to the rhythm of life with the noonas, but it was a rhythm he was beginning to love.

After breakfast, they all gathered in the living room to go over the schedule for the day. JiU-noona had already received the agenda from their manager and was busy jotting down notes.

JiU: Alright, everyone. We've got a full day ahead. We'll start with vocal practice, then move on to choreography for our new song. After lunch, we have a meeting with the stylist to discuss outfits for our next performance. And in the evening, we'll have some time for individual practice.

The noonas nodded in agreement, their expressions focused. Iman felt a surge of adrenaline. This was the life he had dreamed of—long days filled with practice, preparation, and passion. He couldn't wait to get started.

The first stop of the day was the vocal practice room. It was a spacious, soundproofed studio with a wall of mirrors on one side and a piano in the corner. The noonas took their positions, and Iman followed suit, standing beside them.

The vocal coach arrived shortly after. She was a strict but kind woman who had been working with Dreamcatcher since their debut. She had a sharp ear and a no-nonsense attitude, but she also knew how to push her students to bring out their best.

Vocal Coach: Good morning, everyone. Let's start with some warm-ups.

They began with basic scales, easing their voices into the session. Iman found himself hyper-aware of every note, every breath, determined to hit each one perfectly. The noonas, meanwhile, sang with ease and confidence, their voices blending together seamlessly.

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