Journey Through Root PT2

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Iman had always spoken fondly of the vibrant weddings in Kelantan, where tradition and community were at the heart of the celebration. He wanted his wives to experience this firsthand, so he arranged for them to attend a wedding in the village. The event was a significant affair, with the whole community coming together to celebrate the union of two families.

As they arrived at the wedding venue, a large open space decorated with colorful fabric and flowers, the members were immediately drawn to the lively atmosphere. The air was filled with the sounds of traditional gamelan music, and the scent of bunga rampai (a mix of fragrant flowers) hung in the air.

Iman: "Kelantanese weddings are big events. It's not just about the couple, but about bringing the entire community together. Everyone has a role to play."

The Dreamcatcher members were warmly welcomed by the villagers, who were eager to share their customs with the visitors. The first part of the wedding they observed was the akad nikah, the solemnization ceremony where the couple exchanged vows before a kadi (religious officiant).

Jiu: "It's so beautiful to see how seriously they take this commitment. There's so much respect and love in the way they speak to each other."

After the akad nikah, the celebrations truly began. The bride and groom were led to the pelamin (a beautifully decorated platform) where they sat as guests came forward to offer their blessings. The members were fascinated by the intricacies of the bersanding ceremony, where the couple was treated like royalty, symbolizing their new status as husband and wife.

Siyeon: "They look so regal, like a king and queen. I love how every detail has a deeper meaning."

Yoohyeon: "It's amazing how everyone is involved. It's not just about the couple but about the whole community coming together."

Iman explained the various elements of the ceremony, from the exchange of symbolic gifts to the sprinkling of scented water on the couple's hands—a gesture meant to bless their union with prosperity and happiness.

Iman: "Each part of the ceremony is steeped in tradition. It's a way to honor our ancestors and ensure that the couple is blessed by both family and community."

The wedding feast, known as kenduri, was a highlight of the event. The members were treated to a lavish spread of traditional Kelantanese dishes, including nasi minyak (a rich rice dish cooked with ghee), ayam percik (grilled chicken with coconut sauce), and a variety of traditional desserts like kuih and tepung pelita.

Handong: "This food is incredible! I've never tasted anything like it."

Dami: "It's so flavorful and different from anything we have in Korea. I love it."

As the evening progressed, the celebration continued with performances of traditional silat (a form of martial arts) and mak yong (a traditional dance-drama). The members were captivated by the energy and grace of the performers, who moved with precision and skill.

Gahyeon: "The way they move is so powerful and elegant. It's like they're telling a story with their bodies."

Iman: "Silat is more than just a martial art; it's a way of life. It teaches discipline, respect, and self-control."

The wedding celebration extended into the night, with dancing and music filling the air. The members joined in the festivities, dancing alongside the villagers and immersing themselves in the joyous atmosphere.

Yoohyeon: "This has been such an incredible experience, Iman-ah. Thank you for sharing this with us."

Iman: "I'm so glad you're all here to experience this. Kelantan is a big part of who I am, and I wanted you to see the beauty of this place and its people."

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